Windows Phone 8 F2P game economy library.
Part of The SOOMLA Project - framework for virtual economies in mobile games.
This project is a part of The SOOMLA Framework which is a series of open source initiatives with a joint goal to help mobile game developers do more together. SOOMLA encourages better game designing, economy modeling and faster development.
Haven't you ever wanted an in-app purchase one liner that looks like this ?!
SOOMLA's Store Module for Windows Phone 8
August 27th, 2014: v0.0.1 beta
- More documentation and information in SOOMLA's Knowledge Base
- For issues you can use the issues section or SOOMLA's Answers Website
wp-store is the Windows Phone 8 flavor of SOOMLA's Store Module.
The core module soomla-wp-core master
The store module wp-store master
When downloading Zip instead of cloning recursive, don't forget to add the soomla-wp-core module on the "submodules\soomla-wp-core" folder or you will have to referenced soomla-wp-core manually in the example and wp-store projects.
If you want to see full debug messages from wp-store you just need to add before initialization:
SoomlaConfig.logDebug = true;
There are some necessary files in submodules. If you're cloning the project make sure you clone it with the --recursive
$ git clone --recursive
Download the soomla-wp-core and wp-store
Add wp-store.csproj and soomla-wp-core.csproj to your solution and reference them in your project.
Install the Visual Studio extension "SQLite for Windows Phone"
In Visual Studio Tools->Extensions Search online for "SQLite for Windows Phone"
Initialize the soomla-wp-core module with the encryption key and the testMode switch.
bool testMode = true; Soomla.Initialize("YOU_ENCRYPTION_KEY",testMode);
Create your own implementation of IStoreAssets in order to describe your specific game's assets (example). Initialize SoomlaStore with the class you just created:
SoomlaStore.Initialize(new YourStoreAssetsImplementation());
Initialize SoomlaStore ONLY ONCE when your application loads.
You can initialize SoomlaStore in the "MainPage()" function of a 'PhoneApplicationPage'.
Write IAPMock.xml (example) and save it in the root folder of your project.
This file is used in TestMode to simulate the Windows Store informations.
You no more need to publish your app in the Windows Store Beta Program to test your IAP!
Don't forget to deactivate Test Mode BEFORE publishing to the windows store
You'll need an event handler in order to be notified about in-app purchasing related events. refer to the Event Handling section for more information.
And that's it ! You have storage and in-app purchasing capabilities... ALL-IN-ONE.
When we implemented modelV3, we were thinking about ways that people buy things inside apps. We figured out many ways you can let your users purchase stuff in your game and we designed the new modelV3 to support 2 of them: PurchaseWithMarket and PurchaseWithVirtualItem.
PurchaseWithMarket is a PurchaseType that allows users to purchase a VirtualItem with the Windows Store.
PurchaseWithVirtualItem is a PurchaseType that lets your users purchase a VirtualItem with a different VirtualItem. For Example: Buying 1 Sword with 100 Gems.
In order to define the way your various virtual items (Goods, Coins ...) are purchased, you'll need to create your implementation of IStoreAsset (the same one from step 4 in the "Getting Started" above).
Here is an example:
Lets say you have a VirtualCurrencyPack you call TEN_COINS_PACK
and a VirtualCurrency you call COIN_CURRENCY
VirtualCurrencyPack TEN_COINS_PACK = new VirtualCurrencyPack(
"10 Coins", // name
"A pack of 10 coins", // description
"10_coins", // item id
10, // number of currencies in the pack
COIN_CURRENCY_ITEM_ID, // the currency associated with this pack
new PurchaseWithMarket("com.soomla.ten_coin_pack", 1.99)
Now you can use StoreInventory to buy your new VirtualCurrencyPack:
And that's it! wp-store knows how to contact Windows Store for you and will redirect your users to their purchasing system to complete the transaction. Don't forget to subscribe to store events in order to get the notified of successful or failed purchases (see Event Handling).
When you initialize SoomlaStore, it automatically initializes two other classes: StoreInventory and StoreInfo:
- StoreInventory is a convenience class to let you perform operations on VirtualCurrencies and VirtualGoods. Use it to fetch/change the balances of VirtualItems in your game (using their ItemIds!)
- StoreInfo is where all meta data information about your specific game can be retrieved. It is initialized with your implementation of
and you can use it to retrieve information about your specific game.
The on-device storage is encrypted and kept in a SQLite database. SOOMLA is preparing a cloud-based storage service that will allow this SQLite to be synced to a cloud-based repository that you'll define.
Example Usages
Get VirtualCurrency with itemId "currency_coin":
VirtualCurrency coin = StoreInfo.GetVirtualCurrencyByItemId("currency_coin");
Give the user 10 pieces of a virtual currency with itemId "currency_coin":
StoreInventory.GiveItem("currency_coin", 10);
Take 10 virtual goods with itemId "green_hat":
StoreInventory.TakeItem("green_hat", 10);
Get the current balance of green hats (virtual goods with itemId "green_hat"):
int greenHatsBalance = StoreInventory.GetItemBalance("green_hat");
SOOMLA lets you subscribe to store events, get notified and implement your own application specific behavior to those events.
Your behavior is an addition to the default behavior implemented by SOOMLA. You don't replace SOOMLA's behavior.
The 'StoreEvents' class is where all event go through. To handle various events, just add your specific behavior to the delegates in the Events class.
For example, if you want to 'listen' to a MarketPurchase event:
StoreEvents.GetInstance().OnMarketPurchase += new MarketPurchaseEventHandler(onMarketPurchase);
public void onMarketPurchase(PurchasableVirtualItem pvi, string payload, string purchaseToken) {
Debug.Log("Just purchased an item with itemId: " + pvi.ItemId);
One thing you need to make sure is that you add your specific behavior before initializing SoomlaStore.
you'll need to do:
StoreEvents.GetInstance().OnCurrencyBalanceChangedEvent += new CurrencyBalanceChangedEventHandler(UpdateCurrencyBalance);
SoomlaStore.Initialize(new Soomla.Example.MuffinRushAssets());
We want you!
Fork -> Clone -> Implement -> Insert Comments -> Test -> Pull-Request.
We have great RESPECT for contributors.
wp-store follows strict code documentation conventions. If you would like to contribute please read our Documentation Guidelines and follow them. Clear, consistent comments will make our code easy to understand.
Apache License. Copyright (c) 2012-2014 SOOMLA.