Resign iOS app(Support both dynamic library,extension also).
resignapp [--options ...] [input-ipafile]
-b, --bundleid [BUNDLEID] Change the bundleid when repackaging
-i, --identity [iPhone Distribution:xxx] Specify Common name to use
-k, --keychain [KEYCHAIN] Specify alternative keychain file
-m, --mobileprovision [FILE] Specify the mobileprovision file to use
-o, --output [APP.ipa] Path to the output IPA filename
--version Show SignApp version
[input-ipafile] Path to the IPA file to resign
resignapp -i "iPhone Distribution:xxx" -b "com.xx.test" -k ~/Library/Keychains/#.keychain test-app.ipa
Resign an ipa file with specific identity and mobileprovision:
resignapp -i "iPhone Distribution:xxx" -m "/path/to/appstore.mobileprovision" origin.ipa
Coming soon.
inspired from ios-ipa-resign