🔭 I am presently engaged in the development of a kidney dialysis machine.
🌱 I am continuously expanding my skills in Python, QT, and C++ programming languages, while also having deep expertise in embedded programming (C/C++ and Python), hardware design, automation, and everything about protocols.
💻 Extensive experience in Cloud-based IIoT/Automation solutions including AWS IoT and Azure IoT for system integration and data management.
🧰 Proficient in IoT system integration and development on single-board computers (RPi, BPi, BeagleBone) and Edge-based solutions such as ThingSpeak and NodeRED.
🛠️ Skilled in working with IoT protocols like MQTT, AMQP, CoAP, XMPP, and configuring wireless and wired gateways (WiFi, BLE, LoRA, Modbus, RS485).
🔧 Hands-on with PCB design using Altium, KiCad, and EAGLE.
🔬 Involved in industrial instrumentation and automation projects focusing on SCADA/HMI/PLC systems and Field Instrumentation.
💬 Reach out to me for discussions on IoT, PCB design, hardware integration, and automation.
📫 You can contact me at Yasirshahzad918@gmail.com.
⚡ Fun fact: Besides my technical expertise, I also have a great sense of humor!
📝 Resume
If you like what I do, maybe consider buying me a coffee/tea 🥺👉👈