This is a full Clean Architecture REST API with all REST four end-points and also three endpoints for setting JWT web token. Authentication of user will encrupt password and generate random Token and based on valid token, a Cookie will be saved for determined duration
MySQL or PostgreSQL with a schema (DB independent)
For the frontend
Create React app with typescript template using:
- npx create-react-app frontend --template typescript
- npm run start
- npm i react-router-dom @types/react-router-dom
For the backend API end-points :
router.POST("/users", users.Create)
router.GET("/users/:user_id", users.Get)
router.PUT("/users/:user_id", users.Update)
router.PATCH("/users/:user_id", users.Update)
router.DELETE("/users/:user_id", users.Delete)
router.GET("/internal/users/search", users.Search)
router.POST("/api/#", users.Login)
router.POST("/api/register", users.Register)
router.GET("/api/user", users.GetByCookie)
router.GET("/api/logout", users.Logout)