This is a fully functional e-commerce website with a well detailed and simple UI built with Next.js. I tried as much to model a real ecommerce website, with most functionality included from filtering products functionalities etc to checkout with Stripe.
Live demo is here.
- Language: TypeScript
- Framework: Next.js
- Data: Fake Store API
- State Management: React ContextApi
- Payment Gateway: Stripe
- Styling: Vanilla CSS
- UI Library: Material UI
- Illustrations: Freepik
- Icons: FontAwesome
- Animations: Framer Motion
- Linting: ESLint
- Code Formatting: Prettier
- Deployment: Vercel
Note: For the checkout page, you can test with a fake credit card number e.g for stripe default test card number 424242424242424, the rest field can be random
I might consider adding user authentication and an admin panel to manage products.
export const JustAnotherProject = () => {
return <>🎉</>;
- LinkedIn - Let's connect 🔗
- Website - Here
I will like to acknowledge @onderonur, i took some de#spiration from his Next-shopper project.