How to create a Spark instance with an embedded Jetty server containing a log4j request logger
Spark 2.6.0 introduced the option of providing a configurable embedded Jetty server. This tutorial shows how to use this capability in order to configure such a server that supports logging of incoming requests using log4j.
We'll start with a basic hello world instance of Spark
public class ApplicationMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
get("/hello", (request, response) -> "world");
First up, let's create the access logger. Given a log4j logger, we will want to log messages in a standard format. For this purpose, we can implement an instance of AbstractNCSARequestLog
that takes our logger as an argument
public class RequestLogFactory {
private Logger logger;
public RequestLogFactory(Logger logger) {
this.logger = logger;
AbstractNCSARequestLog create() {
return new AbstractNCSARequestLog() {
protected boolean isEnabled() {
return true;
public void write(String s) throws IOException {;
We can't just provide Spark with a server instance. Rather, we need to provide a factory that Spark will invoke when it decides to create the server. This factory can take the request log as an argument
public class EmbeddedJettyFactoryConstructor {
AbstractNCSARequestLog requestLog;
public EmbeddedJettyFactoryConstructor(AbstractNCSARequestLog requestLog) {
this.requestLog = requestLog;
EmbeddedJettyFactory create() {
return new EmbeddedJettyFactory((maxThreads, minThreads, threadTimeoutMillis) -> {
Server server;
if (maxThreads > 0) {
int max = maxThreads > 0 ? maxThreads : 200;
int min = minThreads > 0 ? minThreads : 8;
int idleTimeout = threadTimeoutMillis > 0 ? threadTimeoutMillis : '\uea60';
server = new Server(new QueuedThreadPool(max, min, idleTimeout));
} else {
server = new Server();
return server;
The implementation here is identical to Spark's embedded Jetty with the addition of server.setRequestLog(requestLog);
Let's tie it together in a utility function that accepts our original log4j logger and overrides Spark's default Jetty implementation with ours
public class SparkUtils {
public static void createServerWithRequestLog(Logger logger) {
EmbeddedJettyFactory factory = createEmbeddedJettyFactoryWithRequestLog(logger);
EmbeddedServers.add(EmbeddedServers.Identifiers.JETTY, factory);
private static EmbeddedJettyFactory createEmbeddedJettyFactoryWithRequestLog(org.apache.log4j.Logger logger) {
AbstractNCSARequestLog requestLog = new RequestLogFactory(logger).create();
return new EmbeddedJettyFactoryConstructor(requestLog).create();
Now all that remains is to define the log4j logger and call the utility function in our main
public static void main(String[] args) {
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ApplicationMain.class);
get("/hello", (request, response) -> "world");
After we spin up our Spark instance and go to [http://localhost:4567/hello], we will see the following output in logs:
2017-07-24 21:29:52 INFO ApplicationMain:25 - 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 - - [24/Jul/2017:18:29:52 +0000] "GET /hello HTTP/1.1" 200 5