Variant type and type matching for Nim
import variant
var v = newVariant(5)
assert v.ofType(int)
assert v.get(int) == 5
v = newVariant(3.0)
assert v.ofType(float)
assert v.get(float) == 3.0
v = newVariant(@[1, 2, 3])
assert v.ofType(seq[int])
assert v.get(seq[int])[1] == 2
var v = newVariant(@[1, 2, 3])
assert v.ofType(seq[int])
variantMatch case v as u
of int:
echo "u is int: ", u
of seq[int]:
echo "u is seq[int]: ", u
echo "dont know what v is"
Will output:
u is seq[int]: @[1, 2, 3]