This is the code for ACL-ICJNLP2021 paper A Unified Generative Framework for Various NER Subtasks.
Install the package in the requirements.txt, then use the following commands to install two other packages
pip install git+
pip install git+
You need to put your data in the parallel folder of this repo
- data/
- conll2003
- train.txt
- text.txt
- dev.txt
- en-ontonotes
- ...
- Share_2013
- Share_2014
- en_ace04
- en_ace05
- genia
For the conll2003
and en-ontonotes
you data in each split should like (The first column is words, the second column is tags. We assume the tag is the BIO-tagging)
1996-08-30 O
Indian I-MISC
all-rounder O
Phil B-PER
For nested dataset en_ace04
, en_ace05
and genia
, the data should like
(each line is a jsonline, contains ners
and sentences
{"ners": [[[16, 16, "DNA"], [4, 8, "DNA"], [24, 26, "DNA"], [19, 20, "DNA"]], [[31, 31, "DNA"], [2, 2, "DNA"], [4, 4, "DNA"], [30, 31, "DNA"]], [[23, 24, "RNA"], [14, 15, "cell_type"], [1, 2, "RNA"]], [[2, 2, "DNA"]], [], [[0, 0, "DNA"], [9, 9, "cell_type"]]], "sentences": [["There", "is", "a", "single", "methionine", "codon-initiated", "open", "reading", "frame", "of", "1,458", "nt", "in", "frame", "with", "a", "homeobox", "and", "a", "CAX", "repeat", ",", "and", "the", "open", "reading", "frame", "is", "predicted", "to", "encode", "a", "protein", "of", "51,659", "daltons."], ["When", "the", "homeodomain", "from", "HB24", "was", "compared", "to", "known", "mammalian", "and", "Drosophila", "homeodomains", "it", "was", "found", "to", "be", "only", "moderately", "conserved,", "but", "when", "it", "was", "compared", "to", "a", "highly", "diverged", "Drosophila", "homeodomain", ",", "H2.0,", "it", "was", "found", "to", "be", "80%", "identical."], ["The", "HB24", "mRNA", "was", "absent", "or", "present", "at", "low", "levels", "in", "normal", "B", "and", "T", "lymphocytes", ";", "however,", "with", "the", "appropriate", "activation", "signal", "HB24", "mRNA", "was", "induced", "within", "several", "hours", "even", "in", "the", "presence", "of", "cycloheximide", "."], ["Characterization", "of", "HB24", "expression", "in", "lymphoid", "and", "select", "developing", "tissues", "was", "performed", "by", "in", "situ", "hybridization", "."], ["Positive", "hybridization", "was", "found", "in", "thymus", ",", "tonsil", ",", "bone", "marrow", ",", "developing", "vessels", ",", "and", "in", "fetal", "brain", "."], ["HB24", "is", "likely", "to", "have", "an", "important", "role", "in", "lymphocytes", "as", "well", "as", "in", "certain", "developing", "tissues", "."]]}
{"ners": [[[16, 16, "DNA"], [4, 8, "DNA"], [24, 26, "DNA"], [19, 20, "DNA"]], [[31, 31, "DNA"], [2, 2, "DNA"], [4, 4, "DNA"], [30, 31, "DNA"]], [[23, 24, "RNA"], [14, 15, "cell_type"], [1, 2, "RNA"]], [[2, 2, "DNA"]], [], [[0, 0, "DNA"], [9, 9, "cell_type"]]], "sentences": [["There", "is", "a", "single", "methionine", "codon-initiated", "open", "reading", "frame", "of", "1,458", "nt", "in", "frame", "with", "a", "homeobox", "and", "a", "CAX", "repeat", ",", "and", "the", "open", "reading", "frame", "is", "predicted", "to", "encode", "a", "protein", "of", "51,659", "daltons."], ["When", "the", "homeodomain", "from", "HB24", "was", "compared", "to", "known", "mammalian", "and", "Drosophila", "homeodomains", "it", "was", "found", "to", "be", "only", "moderately", "conserved,", "but", "when", "it", "was", "compared", "to", "a", "highly", "diverged", "Drosophila", "homeodomain", ",", "H2.0,", "it", "was", "found", "to", "be", "80%", "identical."], ["The", "HB24", "mRNA", "was", "absent", "or", "present", "at", "low", "levels", "in", "normal", "B", "and", "T", "lymphocytes", ";", "however,", "with", "the", "appropriate", "activation", "signal", "HB24", "mRNA", "was", "induced", "within", "several", "hours", "even", "in", "the", "presence", "of", "cycloheximide", "."], ["Characterization", "of", "HB24", "expression", "in", "lymphoid", "and", "select", "developing", "tissues", "was", "performed", "by", "in", "situ", "hybridization", "."], ["Positive", "hybridization", "was", "found", "in", "thymus", ",", "tonsil", ",", "bone", "marrow", ",", "developing", "vessels", ",", "and", "in", "fetal", "brain", "."], ["HB24", "is", "likely", "to", "have", "an", "important", "role", "in", "lymphocytes", "as", "well", "as", "in", "certain", "developing", "tissues", "."]]}
For discontinuous dataset Share_2013
, Share_2014
, the data should like (
each sample has two lines, if the second line is empty means there is not entity.
Abdominal cramps , flatulence , gas , bloating .
0,1 ADR|3,3 ADR|7,7 ADR|5,5 ADR
Cramps would start within 15 minutes of taking pill , even during meals .
0,0 ADR
We use code from to pre-process the data.
You can run the code by directly using
The following output should be achieved
Save cache to caches/data_facebook/
max_len_a:0.6, max_len:10
In total 3 datasets:
test has 3453 instances.
train has 14041 instances.
dev has 3250 instances.
The number of tokens in tokenizer 50265
50269 50274
input fields after batch(if batch size is 2):
tgt_tokens: (1)type:torch.Tensor (2)dtype:torch.int64, (3)shape:torch.Size([2, 8])
src_tokens: (1)type:torch.Tensor (2)dtype:torch.int64, (3)shape:torch.Size([2, 11])
first: (1)type:torch.Tensor (2)dtype:torch.int64, (3)shape:torch.Size([2, 11])
src_seq_len: (1)type:torch.Tensor (2)dtype:torch.int64, (3)shape:torch.Size([2])
tgt_seq_len: (1)type:torch.Tensor (2)dtype:torch.int64, (3)shape:torch.Size([2])
target fields after batch(if batch size is 2):
entities: (1)type:numpy.ndarray (2)dtype:object, (3)shape:(2,)
tgt_tokens: (1)type:torch.Tensor (2)dtype:torch.int64, (3)shape:torch.Size([2, 8])
target_span: (1)type:numpy.ndarray (2)dtype:object, (3)shape:(2,)
tgt_seq_len: (1)type:torch.Tensor (2)dtype:torch.int64, (3)shape:torch.Size([2])
training epochs started 2021-06-02-11-49-26-964889
Epoch 1/30: 0%| | 15/32430 [00:06<3:12:37, 2.80it/s, loss:6.96158
Some important python files are listed below
- BartNER
- data
- # load and process data
- model
- # the model file
- # the training file
The different Loader
s in the data/
is meant to load data, and the data.BartNERPipe
is to process data, the loader should load data into a DataBundle object,
you can mock the provided Loader to write your own loader, as long as your
dataset has the following four fields, the BartNERPipe
should be able to
process it
- raw_words # List[str]
# ['AL-AIN', ',', 'United', 'Arab', 'Emirates', '1996-12-06']
- entities # List[List[str]]
# [['AL-AIN'], ['United', 'Arab', 'Emirates']]
- entity_tags # List[str], the same length as entities
# ['loc', 'loc']
- entity_spans # List[List[int]], the inner list must have an even number of ints, means the start(inclusive,闭区间) and end(exclusive,开区间) of an entity segment
# [[0, 1], [2, 5]] or for discontinous NER [[0, 1, 5, 7], [2, 3, 5, 7],...]
In order to help you reproduce the results, we have hardcoded the hyper-parameters for each dataset in the code, you can change them based on your need. We conduct all experiments in NVIDIA-3090(24G memory). Some known difficulties about the reproduction of this code: (1) Some datasets (nested and discontinous) will drop to 0 or near 0 F1 during training, please drop these results; (2) randomness will cause large performance variance for some datasets, please try to run multiple times.
We deeply understand how frustrating it can be if the results are hard to reproduce, we tried our best to make sure the results were at least reproducible in our equipment (Usually take average from at least five runs).
Since the evaluation takes several seconds, the code will start to evaluate after a certain epoch (based on our experiments, the best performance almost always achieved after the pre-set eval_start_epoch). You can change this value (in to make it evaluate earlier.
We follow previous work to concat the train and dev set (which will merge automatically in the as the train file. Therefore, the output performance of conll2003 is the test performance.
Some previous work had no dev split, but we split 10% of the training set to be as the dev set( which will split the train data automatically in the, and the split is deterministic, therefore, follow the code, you can get the same split as ours).