Gohelix is an experimental helix client for Golang. It currently support functionalities of Helix spectator role, and partial support for Helix participant role. It also provides a command line utility that mirrows the functions of helix-admin.sh
go get github.com/yichen/gohelix/helix
This will install the command line utility helix
. After installation, run helix
from command line with no arguments you should see a list of subcommands. The commands follow this format:
helix -z [zookeeper address] {subcommand} arguments...
That is, the first argument is the zookeeper address. If this is not specified, it is default to localhost:2181
- To create a cluster from zookeeper:
helix -z localhost:2181 addCluster MYCLUSTER
- Add three nodes to be managed by helix for the cluster MYCLUSTER. The three nodes are
helix -z localhost:2181 addNode MYCLUSTER localhost:12913
helix -z localhost:2181 addNode MYCLUSTER localhost:12914
helix -z localhost:2181 addNode MYCLUSTER localhost:12915
- Add a database
as a resource to be managed by helix cluster
Now, we want the helix cluster to manage the resource myDB
. Define the resource to have 8 partitions, and we will use a state model MasterSlave
helix -z localhost:2181 addResource MYCLUSTER myDB 8 MasterSlave
- To inspect the cluster
To list all clusters managed by helix:
helix -z localhost:2181 listClusters
To show details of a cluster
helix -z localhost:2181 listClusterInfo MYCLUSTER
- To remove a cluster from helix:
helix -z localhost:2181 dropCluster MYCLUSTER
The helix cli tool is playing the Helix Spectator role. The following example shows how to make the most of the spectator role by listening to the cluster state changes.
// define the external view change listener
evListener := func(ev []*gohelix.Record, context *gohelix.Context) {
// define the live instance change listener
liListener := func(liveInstances []*gohelix.Record, context *gohelix.Context) {
liveInstanceList := ""
for _, i := range liveInstances {
if len(liveInstanceList) == 0 {
liveInstanceList += i.ID
} else {
liveInstanceList += ", " + i.ID
fmt.Println("LiveInstanceChangeListener: " + liveInstanceList)
// create an instance of helix manager with zookeeper connection string
manager := gohelix.NewHelixManager("localhost:2181")
spectator := manager.NewSpectator("MYCLUSTER")
// context is a way to pass data into the listeners
context := gohelix.NewContext()
// Connect and start the spectator. This is when the client connects to
// the zookeeper and also attach the listeners to the event loop
defer spectator.Disconnect()
// with Spectator instance connected, we can retrieve helix data from
// zookeeper. For example, get the current external view of the cluster
externalView := spectator.GetExternalView()
// Get the current ideal state
idealState := spectator.GetIdealState()
// Get the participant configs
configs := spectator.GetInstanceConfigs()
// Get the current live instances
liveInstances := spectator.GetLiveInstances()
manager := gohelix.NewHelixManager(zk)
participant := manager.NewParticipant(cluster, host, port)
// creaet OnlineOffline state model
sm := gohelix.NewStateModel([]gohelix.Transition{
{"ONLINE", "OFFLINE", func(partition string) {
{"OFFLINE", "ONLINE", func(partition string) {
participant.RegisterStateModel(stateModel, sm)
err := participant.Connect()
if err != nil {
// block until SIGINT and SIGTERM
c := make(chan os.Signal, 2)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)