This Project is aimed at creating a kindle book generator. Fetching data from internet, then combo all data to a mini .mobi
book, what you have to do is just edit profiles and run build commands.
Data comes in three way:
- spider fetch a uri content, but you need to config the class the article's title and content
- spider fetch a rss source
- from local file
Here is the structure of project:
After preparing data, The program will filter some dirty data, and transfer remote file link to local file, that means it will download the resources.
Finally, using kindleGen generate book. I had put the kindleGen file to /bin/kindlegen, 28M.
First, run this command:
chmod +x bin/**/kindlegen
Try a simple demo:
git clone;
cd kindleBookMaker;
npm install;
node index;
open build/*.mobi;
There are lots of function, simplify to three command.
- generate from rss:
node index --rss
# node index -r
- generate from a uri,
-u URL titleQuery ContentQuery FilterRegExp
node index --uri \ \
.post-title \
.post-content \
/<div class="shit-spider"[\s\S]+?<\/div>/
- generate from local directory:
node index --dirctory ./src/demo/
# node index -d ./src/demo/
and three other arguments:
, detail about kindle generation.--help
, help.-push2kindle
, push the
file to your kindle.
var moment = require('moment');
module.exports = {
// entry: './src/KF8-Demo',
entry: {
base: './src/KF8-Demo',
list: []
bookInfo: {
title: "Barret Lee's Personal Website",
lang: "zh",
creator: "Barret Lee",
copyright: "Barret Lee",
publisher: "",
coverImage: 'coverImage.png'
output: {
base: './build',
format: '[name]-' + moment().format('YYYYMMDD')
/*option for uri*/
singlePage: {
title: 'div.title',
description: 'div.content',
reg: function(data) {
return data.replace(/<div class="shit-spider"[\s\S]+?<\/div>/, '');
push2kindle: {
email: '',
password: 'your-email-password',
kindle: ''
, can be a String or an Objectbase
, the entry base, where remote file placed.list
, it impacts the order of book article list.
, be attention to thecoverImage
, you should better set a value.output
, optional, default is./build
, optional, for uri spiderpush2kindle
, optional, thekindle
param is your device matched email, can be edit at here.
- generate from markdown file directly.
- fix push2kindle bug, cannot push
format file, i don't konw why.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2016 小胡子哥