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yilingo authored Feb 21, 2023
1 parent dbe79f4 commit e15c9be
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Showing 7 changed files with 1,139 additions and 812 deletions.
256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions functions/EET_indices.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
function [ mi, sigma, EE, mi_sd, sigma_sd, mi_lb, sigma_lb, mi_ub, sigma_ub, mi_all, sigma_all ] = EET_indices(r,xmin,xmax,X,Y,design_type,varargin)
% Compute the sensitivity indices according to the Elementary Effects Test
% (Saltelli, 2008) or 'method of Morris' (Morris, 1991).
% These are: the mean (mi) of the EEs associated to input 'i',
% which measures the input influence; and the standard deviation (sigma)
% of the EEs, which measures its level of interactions with other inputs.
% For the mean EE, we use the version suggested by Campolongo et al.
% (2007),where absolute values of the EEs are used (this is to avoid that
% EEs with opposite sign would cancel each other out).
% Basic usage:
% [mi, sigma, EE] = EET_indices(r,xmin,xmax,X,Y,design_type)
% Input:
% r = number of sampling point - scalar
% xmin = lower bounds of input ranges - vector (1,M)
% xmax = upper bounds of input ranges - vector (1,M)
% X = matrix of sampling datapoints where EE must be computed
% - matrix (r*(M+1),M)
% Y = associated output values - vector (r*(M+1),1)
% design_type = design type (string)
% [options: 'radial','trajectory']
% Output:
% mi = mean of the elementary effects - vector (1,M)
% sigma = standard deviation of the elementary effects - vector (1,M)
% EE = matrix of elementary effects - matrix (r,M)
% Advanced usage:
% [mi, sigma, EE] = EET_indices(r,xmin,xmax,X,Y,design_type,Nboot)
% [mi, sigma, EE] = EET_indices(r,xmin,xmax,X,Y,design_type,Nboot,alfa)
% Optional input:
% Nboot = number of resamples used for boostrapping (default:0)
% alfa = significance level for the confidence intervals estimated
% by bootstrapping (default: 0.05)
% In this case, the output 'mi' and 'sigma' are the mean and standard
% deviation of the EEs averaged over Nboot resamples.
% Advanced usage/2:
% [mi, sigma, EE, mi_sd, sigma_sd, mi_lb, sigma_lb, mi_ub, sigma_ub] = ...
% EET_indices(r,xmin,xmax,X,Y,design_type,Nboot)
% Optional output:
% mi_sd = standard deviation of 'mi' across Nboot resamples
% sigma_sd = standard deviation of 'sigma' across Nboot resamples
% mi_lb = lower bound of 'mi' (at level alfa) across Nboot resamples
% sigma_lb = lower bound of 'sigma' across Nboot resamples
% mi_ub = upper bound of 'mi' (at level alfa) across Nboot resamples
% sigma_ub = upper bound of 'sigma' across Nboot resamples
% - all the above are
% vector (1,M) if Nboot>1
% (empty vector otherwise)
% Or:
% [mi, sigma, EE, mi_sd, sigma_sd, mi_lb, sigma_lb, mi_ub, sigma_ub, ...
% mi_all, sigma_all ] = EET_indices(r,xmin,xmax,X,Y,design_type,Nboot)
% Optional output:
% mi_all = Nboot estimates of 'mi' - matrix (Nboot,M)
% sigma_all = Nboot estimates of 'sigma' - matrix (Nboot,M)
% NOTE: If the vector Y includes any NaN values, the function will
% identify them and exclude them from further computation. A Warning message
% about the number of discarded NaN elements (and hence the actual number
% of samples used for estimating mi and sigma) will be displayed.
% Morris, M.D. (1991), Factorial sampling plans for preliminary
% computational experiments, Technometrics, 33(2).
% Saltelli, A., et al. (2008), Global Sensitivity Analysis, The Primer,
% Wiley.
% Campolongo, F., Cariboni, J., Saltelli, A. (2007), An effective
% screening design for sensitivity analysis of large models. Environ. Model.
% Softw. 22 (10), 1509-1518.

% This function is part of the SAFE Toolbox by F. Pianosi, F. Sarrazin
% and T. Wagener at Bristol University (2015).
% SAFE is provided without any warranty and for non-commercial use only.
% For more details, see the Licence file included in the root directory
% of this distribution.
% For any comment and feedback, or to discuss a Licence agreement for
% commercial use, please contact:
% For details on how to cite SAFE in your publication, please see:

% Check inputs

if ~isscalar(r); error('''r'' must be a scalar'); end
if r<=0; error('''r'' must be positive' ); end
if abs(r-round(r)); error('''r'' must be integer'); end
[N,M] = size(xmin) ;
[n,m] = size(xmax) ;
if N~=1 ;error('''xmin'' must be a row vector'); end
if n~=1 ;error('''xmax'' must be a row vector'); end
if M~=m ;error('''xmin'' and ''xmax'' must be the same size'); end
Dr = xmax - xmin ;
if any(Dr<=0)
error('all components of ''xmax'' must be higher than the corresponding ones in ''xmin''')
[n,m] = size(X) ;
if n~=r*(M+1) ;error('''X'' must have r*(M+1) rows'); end
if m~=M ;error('''X'' must have M columns'); end
[n,m] = size(Y) ;
if n~=r*(M+1) ;error('''Y'' must have r*(M+1) rows'); end
if m~=1 ;error('''Y'' must be a column vector'); end
if ~ischar(design_type); error('''design_type'' must be a string'); end
if all(isnan(Y)); error('all data in ''Y'' are NaN'); end

% Recover and check optional inputs

if nargin<7
if ~isscalar(Nboot); error('''Nboot'' must be scalar'); end
if Nboot<0; error('''Nboot'' must be nonnegative (if 0, bootstrapping is not used)' ); end
if abs(Nboot-round(Nboot)); error('''Nboot'' must be an integer'); end
if nargin<8
if ~isscalar(alfa); error('''alfa'' must be scalar'); end
if any([alfa<0,alfa>1]); error('''alfa'' must be in [0,1]' ); end

% Compute Elementary Effects

EE = nan(r,M) ; % matrix of elementary effects
k = 1 ;
ki = 1 ;
for i=1:r
for j=1:M
if strcmp(design_type,'radial') % radial design: EE is the difference
% between output at one point in the i-th block and output at
% the 1st point in the block
EE(i,j) = ( Y(k+1) - Y(ki) ) / ( X(k+1,j)-X(ki,j) )*Dr(j) ;
elseif strcmp(design_type,'trajectory') % trajectory design: EE is the difference
% between output at one point in the i-th block and output at
% the previous point in the block (the "block" is indeed a
% trajectory in the input space composed of points that
% differ in one component at the time)
idx = find( abs( X(k+1,:)-X(k,:) ) > 0 ); % if using 'morris'
% sampling, the points in the block may not
% be in the proper order, i.e. each point in the block differs
% from the previous/next one by one component but we don't know
% which one; this is here computed and saved in 'idx'
if isempty(idx) ; error('X(%d,:) and X(%d,:) are equal',[k,k+1]); end
if length(idx)>1 ; error('X(%d,:) and X(%d,:) differ in more than one component',[k,k+1]); end
EE(i,idx) = ( Y(k+1) - Y(k) ) / ( X(k+1,idx)-X(k,idx) )*Dr(idx) ;
error('''design_type'' must be one among {''radial'',''trajectory''}')
k=k+1 ;
ki=k ;

% Compute Mean and Standard deviation

if Nboot>1

B = floor((rand(bootsize,Nboot)*r+1));

mi_all = nan(Nboot,M) ;
sigma_all= nan(Nboot,M) ;
idx_EE = nan(Nboot,M) ;
for n=1:Nboot

mi = mean(mi_all) ;
mi_sd = std(mi_all) ;
mi_lb = sort(mi_all) ; mi_lb = mi_lb(max(1,round(Nboot*alfa/2)),:) ;
mi_ub = sort(mi_all) ; mi_ub = mi_ub (round(Nboot*(1-alfa/2)),:) ;

sigma = mean(sigma_all) ;
sigma_sd = std(sigma_all) ;
sigma_lb = sort(sigma_all) ; sigma_lb = sigma_lb(max(1,round(Nboot*alfa/2)),:) ;
sigma_ub = sort(sigma_all) ; sigma_ub = sigma_ub (round(Nboot*(1-alfa/2)),:) ;

% Print to screen a warning message if any NAN was found in Y
if sum(isnan(Y))
fprintf('\n WARNING:')
fprintf('\n%d NaNs were found in Y',sum(isnan(Y)))
fprintf('\nAverage number of samples that could be used to evaluate mean ')
fprintf('and standard deviation of elementary effects is:')
fprintf('\nX%d: %1.0f',[1:M;mean(idx_EE)]);
% Print to screen the sensitivity indices
% fprintf('\n\t mean(EE) std(EE)\n');
% fprintf('X%d:\t %2.3f\t %2.3f\n',[ 1:M; mi; sigma ]);


mi_sd = [] ;
sigma_sd = [] ;
mi_lb = [] ;
sigma_lb = [] ;
mi_ub = [] ;
sigma_ub = [] ;
mi_all = [] ;
sigma_all= [] ;

% Print to screen a warning message if any NAN was found in Y
if sum(isnan(Y))
fprintf('\n WARNING:')
fprintf('\n%d NaNs were found in Y',sum(isnan(Y)))
fprintf('\nThe number of samples that could be used to evaluate mean ')
fprintf('and standard deviation of elementary effects is:')
fprintf('\nX%d: %1.0f',[1:M;idx_EE]);

% fprintf('\n\t mean(EE) std(EE)\n');
% fprintf('X%d:\t %2.3f\t %2.3f\n',[ 1:M; mi; sigma ]);

%%%% built-in function

function [mi,sigma,idx_EE ] = compute_indices(EE)
% EE matrix (r,M)

idx_EE= nan(1,M);
mi = nan(1,M);
sigma = nan(1,M);

for j=1:M
nan_EE=isnan(EE(:,j));% find any NaN in EE
idx_EE(j)=sum(~nan_EE);% total number of NaNs in EE
mi(j) = mean(abs(EE(~nan_EE,j)));% mean absolute value of EE (excluding NaNs)
sigma(j)= std(EE(~nan_EE,j));% std of EE (excluding NaNs)


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