Quick Fix Recipe is an application that can quickly provide user the recipes for food and drinks.
As a user looking for quick recipes,
I would like an application that allows me to see and
review different recipes for both food and drinks.
I can view recommended recipes just by click a button or
I can search for recipes by thier name or category.
Upon opening the site, the user is greeted with a landing page that features a randomized image from a curated list of relevant pictures.
The user can search for new recipes by typing in the search bar and choosing to search by either Food or Drink.
The search results then display on the page as recipe cards. Each card includes an image of the finished recipe, the relevant information for how to make it themselves, and a save button.
When the user clicks the save button on a recipe card, that recipe's information is saved to the user's local storage. They can click the save button again to remove that recipe from their saved list.
The My Recipes page, linked in the navigation bar, use the user's local storage to display only recipes that the user has saved. The page features a Table of Contents that the user can click on to navigate to a specific recipe more easily.
As an alternative to searching, the user can click the Randomize button in the navigation bar on any page to display a random recipe.
Framework: Pure CSS
Images: Unsplash Source
Third Party API:
🌮 TheMealDB --- An open, crowd-sourced database of recipes from around the world.
🍸 TheCocktailDB --- An open, crowd-sourced database of drinks and cocktails from around the world.