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  • A pod is a smallest unit of K8s.

  • It is an abstraction over container. K8s do this because they want you to only interact with the kubernetes layer and don't need you to know about containers

  • usually 1 application per pod

  • each pod gets its own IP address

  • new ip address on re-creation(pods are ephemeral)

    • this is not ideal and inconvenient(reason for Service)


  • Service is a static/permanent IP address that can be attached to each pod
  • Service is also a load balancer
  • There are external and internal services
    • External services communicate with public world, i.e. hosting website
    • Internal services, i.e. database
  • The url for your service typically look like this: protocol://service_ip:application_port.
    • You don't want users to access your web like this :).(reason for Ingress)


  • Ingress bascially forward the request to the service

Now, consider this scenario:

You store your database url in your application code, i.e. mongo_database. Later, the url is changed. This means you'll need to modify your source code in the docker image and redeploy the pod. NOT GOOD.(reason for ConfigMap)


  • External configuration of your application
    • For example, put database_url in the config
  • Connect the ConfigMap to the pod, then pod can get those config data
  • Feels like a seperate tiny database for your application
  • You don't store secret data in Config Map.(reason for Secret)


  • Secret is basically an encoded ConfigMap


  • Both local and remote storage can be attached to a pod

Of course you want replicas


  • Deployment is a blueprint for your application(pod), you specify how many replicas you need.
  • In practice, you don't create pods, you create deployments
  • Abstraction of Pods
  • However, Deployment cannot replicate database because it has a state, which is its data. Mechanisms needed to avoid data inconsistency(reason for StatefulSet)


  • Handle syncronization
  • Each replica has unique identity and their own storage, which store their states.
  • A replica is not created until the previous replica is created. Deletion happens in reverse order.
  • StatefulSet in k8s is complex. Therefore, people usually deploy their database application outside k8s, and only deploy stateless application on k8s


  • A DaemonSet ensures that all (or some) Nodes run a copy of a Pod. As nodes are added to the cluster, Pods are added to them. As nodes are removed from the cluster, those Pods are garbage collected. Deleting a DaemonSet will clean up the Pods it created.


Node processes

  • Each Node has multiple Pods on it
  • There are 3 processes that must be installed on every Node. These 3 processes schedule and mange the pods
    1. container runtime, i.e. docker
    2. kubelet
      • Kubelet interacts with both the container and the node itself
      • Kubelet starts the pod with a container inside. Assigning resrouces from the nodes to pods
    3. Kube Proxy
      • KP forwards the requests to the approriate pod through Service

Mater nodes

  • There are 4 processes that runs on every master node

    1. Api server

      • Cluster gateway(A single entry point)

      • Gatekeeper for authentication

      • This is what your kubectl cmds is interacting with

    2. Scheduler

      • Schedule pods on worker nodes
      • Scheduler just schedule where the pod should be. Kubelet is the one that really starts the pod
    3. Controller manager

      • Detects cluster state changes, i.e. pods die
      • After detection, ask scheduler to replace the pod for example
    4. etcd

      • A Key Value store of all the cluster changes
      • It's the cluster brain
      • Of course, the application data is not stored in etcd

Basic kubectl commands

  • kubectl create deployment
  • kubectl edit deployment
    • This will open up a config file of the certain deployment to enable editing
  • kubectl delete deployment
    • This will remove all the pods created by this deployment, including all replicas
  • kubectl apply -f
    • It can create or update the component

Help Debugging

  • kubectl logs
  • Kubectl get pod -o wide
    • Provides little bit more info about the pod
  • kubectl describe pod
    • Shows the detailed status of a pod
  • Kubectl exec -it -- bin/bash
    • Get interactive terminal of the pod

YAML Configuration File

Each config file has 3 parts

  1. metadata
  2. specification
    • Attributes of spec are specific to the kind, i.e. Deployment or Service
  3. status
    • Auto generated by k8s
    • This comes from etcd of the master node :)

Connecting Services to Deployments

We use label under metadata to label the resource with any key-value pair. Then we use selector under spec to connect to a label

![image-20210611110906689](/Users/weisy/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20210611110906689.png)

We need to match ports too

![image-20210611111207128](/Users/weisy/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20210611111207128.png)


What is namespace

  • Virtual cluster in the cluster


  1. Group resources
  2. Separate teams
  3. Resource sharing and reuse
  4. Access and resource control


  1. You can't access most resources from another namespace

    • For example, ConfigMap and Secret cannot be shared across namespaces
    • Services are accessable between namespaces
  2. Volumn and Node are not Namespace specific


What is Helm

  • Package manger for k8s(yum for linux)
  • Can also be a template to generate k8s yaml config in batch

Helm Charts

  • Bundle of YAML files
  • Just a package for package manager :)


  1. You want a storage that doesn't depend on the pod lifecycle

  2. Storage must be available on all nodes

  3. Storage needs to persist even cluster crashed

Persistent Volume

  • A component of k8s, link to hardware backend
  • Outside of namespace. Accessible to the whole cluster

Persistent Volume Claim

  • Claim a usage of the PV
  • The pod then use this claim to get access to the storage
  • The pod decide which container can mount the volume
  • ![image-20210611145857698](/Users/weisy/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20210611145857698.png)
  • ![image-20210611145948554](/Users/weisy/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20210611145948554.png)

Storage Class

  • SC provisions PV dynamically when PVC claims it


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