This repository contains a Survey for Coded Caching Techniques with resources.
With the ever-increasing number of network requests and users on the internet caching has become an indispensable tool to reduce throughput and latency. In traditional caching the user stores some data locally in its cache, referred as the local caching gain. With more and more users and requests, optimising the load at the local side is no longer sufficient. Coded caching on the other hand makes use of the multicasting gain, creating a global caching gain, without cooperation among the users. With optimising both the placement phase and the delivery phase coded caching is able to serve multiple users with different request over fewer messages, reducing the load in the delivery phase dramatically. However with the introduction of coded caching techniques new challenges need to be solved. In this paper, we address the limitations and challenges of coded caching. For this purpose, we identify the three domains. First we compare methods to apply coded caching to real world networks architectures in the domain of mobile and static network structures and the resulting effects on both coding delay and transmission rate. Second we discuss the user specific behaviour and effects on the proposed coding schemes. Finally, we evaluate current privacy methods in coded caching and compare the load to non-private coded caching.
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- M. Ji, A. Tulino, J. Llorca, and G. Caire, “Caching-Aided Coded Multicasting with Multiple Random Requests,” IEEE Information Theory Workshop, pp. 1–5, 2015.
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- K. Wan and G. Caire, “On Coded Caching With Private Demands,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 358–372, 2021.
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- L. Li, G. Zhao, and R. S. Blum, “A Survey of Caching Techniques in Cellular Networks: Research Issues and Challenges in Content Placement and Deliv- ery Strategies,” IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 1710–1732, 2018.