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Denperidge committed Aug 24, 2024
1 parent 29f0816 commit d1ddde7
Showing 1 changed file with 241 additions and 0 deletions.
241 changes: 241 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
from datetime import datetime
from os import name, getenv
from json import loads
from re import compile, IGNORECASE, sub
from pathlib import Path
from configparser import ConfigParser
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from shutil import copytree, ignore_patterns
from urllib.request import urlopen
from subprocess import check_output
from io import BytesIO
from zipfile import ZipFile

When called without arguments, it will:
- Backup your current firefox profile
- Automatically download user.js from the latest Betterfox release compatible with your Firefox version into the profile
- Apply user-overrides in the same directory
However, you can check out --help to customise most behaviours!
- When using a different repositoy as a source, that repository needs to use the same releases workflow
- Over time, the get_releases might not list older releases due to limited page size. This can be expanded down the road, though
Building for Windows:
- pipx install pyinstaller (note: you can try without pipx, but this didn't work for me)
- Run `pyinstaller --onefile --name install-betterfox && sleep 3 && mv dist/install-betterfox.exe . && rm install-betterfox.spec && rm -rf ./build/ && rmdir dist`
(Sorry, didn't want to add a .gitignore solely for the install script)
- Done!
If there's any problems with the script, feel free to mention @Denperidge on GitHub!

re_find_version = compile(r"*?/firefox/(?P<version>[\d.]*?)/", IGNORECASE)
re_find_overrides = r"(overrides|prefs).*\n(?P<space>\n)"

FIREFOX_ROOT = Path.home().joinpath(".mozilla/firefox").absolute() if name != "nt" else Path(getenv("APPDATA") + "/Mozilla/Firefox/").resolve()
DEFAULT_FIREFOX_INSTALL = Path("C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/" if name == "nt" else "")

selected_if_backup = None
selected_config = ""
userjs_path = None

def _get_firefox_version(bin="firefox"):
ver_string = check_output([bin, "--version"], encoding="UTF-8")
return ver_string[ver_string.rindex(" ")+1:].strip()
except FileNotFoundError:
return _get_firefox_version(str(DEFAULT_FIREFOX_INSTALL.joinpath("firefox")))

def _get_default_profile_folder():
config_path = FIREFOX_ROOT.joinpath("profiles.ini")

print(f"Reading {config_path}...")

config_parser = ConfigParser(strict=False)

for section in config_parser.sections():
if "Default" in config_parser[section]:
if config_parser[section]["Default"] == "1":
print("Default detected: " + section)
return FIREFOX_ROOT.joinpath(config_parser[section]["Path"])

def _get_releases(repository_owner, repository_name):
releases = []
raw_releases = loads(urlopen(f"{repository_owner}/{repository_name}/releases").read())
for raw_release in raw_releases:
name = raw_release["name"] or raw_release["tag_name"] # or fixes 126.0 not being lodaded
body = raw_release["body"]

# Find which firefox releases are supported. Manual overrides for ones that don't have it written in their thing!
if name == "user.js v.122.1":
supported = ["120.0", "120.0.1", "121.0", "121.0.1", "122.0", "122.0.1"] # Assumed from previous release. TODO check with yokoffing
elif name == "user.js 116.1":
supported = ["116.0", "116.0.1", "116.0.2", "116.0.3"] # Assumed from previous release. TODO check with yokoffing
elif name == "Betterfox v.107":
supported = ["107.0"] # TODO, check with yokoffing
elif "firefox release" in body.lower():
trim_body = body.lower()[body.lower().index("firefox release"):]
supported = re_find_version.findall(trim_body)
if len(supported) == 0:
print(f"Could not parse release in '{name}'. Please post this error message on{repository_owner}/{repository_name}/issues")
print(f"Could not find firefox release header '{name}'. Please post this error message on{repository_owner}/{repository_name}/issues")

"name": name,
"url": raw_release["zipball_url"],
"supported": supported,
return releases

def _get_latest_compatible_release(releases):
for release in releases:
if firefox_version in release["supported"]:
return release
return None

def backup_profile(src):
dest = f"{src}-backup-{'%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')}"

copytree(src, dest, ignore=ignore_patterns("*lock"))
print("Backed up profile to " + dest)

def download_betterfox(url):
data = BytesIO()
return data

def extract_betterfox(data, profile_folder):
zipfile = ZipFile(data)
userjs_zipinfo = None
for file in zipfile.filelist:
if file.filename.endswith("user.js"):
userjs_zipinfo = file
userjs_zipinfo.filename = Path(userjs_zipinfo.filename).name

if not userjs_zipinfo:
raise BaseException("Could not find user.js!")

return zipfile.extract(userjs_zipinfo, profile_folder)

def list_releases(releases, only_supported=False, add_index=False):
print(f"Listing {'compatible' if only_supported else 'all'} Betterfox releases:")
if only_supported:
print("Use --list-all to view all available releases")
print(f"Releases marked with '> ' are documented to be compatible with your Firefox version ({firefox_version})")

i = 0
for release in releases:
supported = firefox_version in release["supported"]
if not only_supported or (only_supported and supported):
print(f"{f'[{i}]' if add_index else ''}{'> ' if supported else ' '}{release['name'].ljust(20)}\t\t\tSupported: {','.join(release['supported'])}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
firefox_version = _get_firefox_version()
selected_release = None

default_profile_folder = _get_default_profile_folder()
argparser = ArgumentParser(

argparser.add_argument("--overrides", "-o", default=default_profile_folder.joinpath("user-overrides.js"), help="if the provided file exists, add overrides to user.js. Defaults to " + str(default_profile_folder.joinpath("user-overrides.js"))),

advanced = argparser.add_argument_group("Advanced")
advanced.add_argument("--betterfox-version", "-bv", default=None, help=f"Which version of Betterfox to install. Defaults to the latest compatible release for your installed Firefox version")
advanced.add_argument("--profile-dir", "-p", "-pd", default=default_profile_folder, help=f"Which profile dir to install user.js in. Defaults to {default_profile_folder}")
advanced.add_argument("--repository-owner", "-ro", default="yokoffing", help="owner of the Betterfox repository. Defaults to yokoffing")
advanced.add_argument("--repository-name", "-rn", default="Betterfox", help="name of the Betterfox repository. Defaults to Betterfox")

disable = argparser.add_argument_group("Disable functionality")
disable.add_argument("--no-backup", "-nb", action="store_true", default=False, help="disable backup of current profile (not recommended)"),
disable.add_argument("--no-install", "-ni", action="store_true", default=False, help="don't install Betterfox"),

modes = argparser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
modes.add_argument("--list", action="store_true", default=False, help=f"List all Betterfox releases compatible with your version of Firefox ({firefox_version})")
modes.add_argument("--list-all", action="store_true", default=False, help=f"List all Betterfox releases")
modes.add_argument("--interactive", "-i", action="store_true", default=False, help=f"Interactively select Betterfox version")

args = argparser.parse_args()

releases = _get_releases(args.repository_owner, args.repository_name)

if args.list or args.list_all:
list_releases(releases, args.list)
input("Press ENTER to exit...")

if not args.no_backup:

if args.betterfox_version:
# If not None AND not string, default value has been used
if not isinstance(args.betterfox_version, str):
selected_release = args.betterfox_version
print(f"Using latest compatible Betterfox version ({selected_release['name']})...")
# If string has been passed
selected_release = next(rel for rel in releases if rel['name'] == args.betterfox_version)
print(f"Using manually selected Betterfox version ({selected_release['name']})")

if not args.betterfox_version:
selected_release = _get_latest_compatible_release(releases)

if args.interactive or not selected_release:
if not selected_release:
print("Could not find a compatible Betterfox version for your Firefox installation.")

list_releases(releases, False, True)
selection = int(input(f"Select Betterfox version, or press enter without typing a number to cancel [0-{len(releases) - 1}]: "))

selected_release = releases[selection]

if not args.no_install:
userjs_path = extract_betterfox(
print(f"Installed user.js to {userjs_path} !")

if Path(args.overrides).exists():
print("Found overrides at " + str(args.overrides))

with open(str(args.overrides), "r", encoding="utf-8") as overrides_file:
overrides =
with open(userjs_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as userjs_file:
old_content =
new_content = sub(re_find_overrides, "\n" + overrides + "\n", old_content, count=1, flags=IGNORECASE)
with open(userjs_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as userjs_file:
print(f"Found no overrides in {args.overrides}")

input("Press ENTER to exit...")

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