Tests the OWC issue in ames.hoon before the +qeu fix on the +puq queue
~rovnys-ricfer dixit: "constructing a three-element packet queue,
getting Ames to ack a packet, and then seeing
if we can confirm downstream OWC."
from: urbit/arvo#1128 (review)
The procedure is to try to clogg the +puq queue on ames.hoon by sending as many %pokes as we can. In order to confirm that napping the queue results in package(s) not being acked, we would return the data in the poke (just an @) and confirm that we get the same value back
Work in progress:
[...] using the pH testing framework, which virtualizes a whole Arvo inside Arvo,
rather than our usual unit test framework.
See the apps :ph, :aqua, and :aqua-ames for more details