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Please be aware that the demos may exhibit significant accessibility issues, such as problems with keyboard navigation, speech synthesis, and progressive enhancement or degradation.
## <a id="DemoSubject"></a>Carousel
[<img src="images/image1.png" height="230" title="Demo 1">](http://url-to-page)
[<img src="images/image2.png" height="230" title="Demo 2">](http://url-to-page)
[<img src="images/image3.png" height="230" title="Demo 3">](http://url-to-page)
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- You Don't Need JavaScript
- Website Demo Using HTML CSS
- Style Guide
- Accordion / Toggle
- Analog Clock
- Animated Button
- Animated Buttons
- Badge
- Bonfire
- Book Animation
- Bubble
- Bus
- Burger Menu
- Button Animation
- Button Hover & Click Animation
- Button with Rotating Text & Ripple Animation
- Baby Yoda Animation
- Captain America Shield
- Carousel
- Compass Loader
- City Animation Footer
- Carousel Effect
- Counter of Checked Checkboxes
- Download_buttons
- Dog Box Animation
- Dropdown Menu
- Dynamic Image Colorizing
- Enable Dark Mode
- Fancy Menu
- Flip on Click
- Floating Label on Textfield
- Floating Labels V2
- Font-Face (Latin)
- Footer
- Gradient Animation
- Growing Flower
- Horizontal image slider
- Image Gallery
- Image Hover Effect
- Infinite Carousel
- Info on Hover / Popover
- Jumping Ball
- Light Bulb Animation
- Loaders
- MasterCard
- Mobile Menu Off Canvas
- Modal/Popup
- Mouse Tracking
- NavBar
- Neon Button
- Neon Card
- Netlix Clone v2
- Neumorphism Card Design
- Parallax Scrolling
- Pendulum
- Playing Card Animation
- Profile Cards
- Responsive Counter Showing # of Items That Didn't Fit Screen
- Ripple Effect
- Scary Animation
- Scenery
- Shake Button
- Shuffling Squares
- Star Wars Intro
- Switch
- Social Media Icons
- Tables
- Tabs
- MakemyTrip
- Text Spoiler Effect
- Thank You Animation
- Todo List
- Tooltips
- Treeview
- Twitter Heart Animation
- Book Animation
- Zomato
- Zoom When Hover
- Debit Card Hover effect
- Progress Bar On Scroll
- # Table
- Contribution
Thanks to these wonderful people who have contributed to this project!
We welcome contributions from the community to make this project better. Feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Be sure to follow our Code of Conduct.
For detailed guidelines on how to contribute, please refer to our CONTRIBUTING file.
Let's build something great together!