@yous' dotfiles.
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/yous/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles
For available install options:
Command option | Description |
link |
Install symbolic links |
asdf |
Install asdf |
brew |
Install Homebrew on macOS (or Linux) |
chruby |
Install chruby |
formulae |
Install Homebrew formulae using Brewfile |
mise |
Install mise |
n |
Install n |
pwndbg |
Install pwndbg |
pyenv |
Install pyenv with pyenv-virtualenv |
rbenv |
Install rbenv |
ruby-install |
Install ruby-install |
rustup |
Install rustup |
rvm |
Install RVM |
weechat |
Install WeeChat configuration |
In Windows, use install.bat
. It links files into the user's home directory.
Set user-specific configurations on ~/.gitconfig.user
name = Your Name
email = you@example.com
If you are using a public PGP key:
signingkey = YOUR KEY
You can also sign your each commit automatically:
gpgsign = true
For more information about signing commits, see A Git Horror Story: Repository Integrity With Signed Commits.
If you want to use Gmail for git send-email
smtpEncryption = tls
smtpServer = smtp.gmail.com
smtpServerPort = 587
smtpUser = you@gmail.com
For more information, see the documentation for git-send-email.
Set local-specific configurations on ~/.gitconfig.local
conflictStyle = zdiff3
[includeIf "gitdir:~/to/group/"]
path = /path/to/foo.inc
For more information, see conditional includes section in the git-config documentation.
If you want to use latest release of Git for Ubuntu:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa
sudo apt-get update
Visit the PPA of Git for Ubuntu for more information.
If you want to install Homebrew or Homebrew on Linux,
./install.sh brew
Then install Homebrew formulae with:
./install.sh formulae
On macOS prior to Mojave, install Rust using rustup, and then install several
utilities using cargo
cargo install bat bottom fd-find ripgrep
If you want to install asdf,
./install.sh asdf
Then install Node.js, Python, Ruby with:
asdf plugin add nodejs
asdf install nodejs latest:"$(asdf nodejs resolve lts)"
asdf plugin add python
asdf install python latest
asdf plugin add ruby
asdf install ruby latest
Then set global defaults:
asdf global nodejs latest:"$(asdf nodejs resolve lts)"
asdf global python latest
asdf global ruby latest
If you want to install mise,
./install.sh mise
Then install Node.js, Python, Ruby with:
mise install node@lts
mise install python
mise install ruby
Then set global defaults:
mise use --global node@lts
mise use --global python@latest
mise use --global ruby@latest
If you want to install chruby, if you're on macOS,
brew install ruby-install
brew install chruby
Otherwise, install ruby-install first, if you're on Arch Linux,
yaourt -S ruby-install
./install.sh ruby-install
Then install chruby,
./install.sh chruby
If you want to install RVM,
./install.sh rvm
Update RVM with:
rvm get stable
If you want to install rbenv,
./install.sh rbenv
If you want to install rustup,
./install.sh rustup
If you want to install pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv,
./install.sh pyenv
If you want to install n,
./install.sh n
Then install Node.js with:
n lts
To use Zsh as default shell,
chsh -s /bin/zsh
If you use custom Zsh like compiled one by Homebrew, add
to /etc/shells
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh
To update Zsh plugins:
zinit update --all
To update Zinit itself:
zinit self-update
To make RVM works with Vim on OS X Yosemite or earlier, move /etc/zshenv
as Tim Pope mentioned.
sudo mv /etc/zshenv /etc/zshrc
To install Vim plugins,
You should install Exuberant Ctags to use vim-gutentags. You should install Node.js to use coc.nvim.
To update Vim plugins:
To update vim-plug:
For additional syntax checkers for coc.nvim, ALE, or Syntastic:
- C, C++
- clang-check:
brew install llvm
- clang-tidy:
brew install llvm
- cppcheck:
brew install cppcheck
- clang-check:
- stylelint:
npm install -g stylelint stylelint-config-standard
- stylelint:
- JavaScript
- ESLint:
npm install -g eslint
- ESLint:
- JSONLint:
npm install -g jsonlint
- JSONLint:
- Python
- flake8:
pip install flake8
- jedi:
pip install jedi
- flake8:
- Ruby
- RuboCop:
gem install rubocop
- Solargraph:
gem install solargraph
- RuboCop:
- stylelint:
npm install -g stylelint stylelint-config-sass-guidelines
- stylelint:
To use Python 2 or 3 via pyenv in Neovim,
pyenv install 2.7.18
pyenv virtualenv 2.7.18 neovim2
pyenv activate neovim2
pip install pynvim
pyenv install 3.8.2
pyenv virtualenv 3.8.2 neovim3
pyenv activate neovim3
pip install pynvim
To use Ruby in Neovim,
gem install neovim
To use Node.js in Neovim,
npm install -g neovim
To install WeeChat configuration,
./install.sh weechat
Then install scripts:
/script install autosort.py buffers.pl colorize_nicks.py iset.pl
To update WeeChat scripts:
/script update
/script upgrade
If you want to install pwndbg,
./install.sh pwndbg
To use Tomorrow Theme:
- Download
from chriskempson/tomorrow-theme. - Open File > Import Settings… in IntelliJ or Android Studio.
- Select downloaded
. - Open Settings > Editor > Colors Scheme.
- Select one of Tomorrow Theme.
To use Tomorrow Theme:
- Download
from mbadolato/iTerm2-Color-Schemes. - Open Preferences… > Profiles > Colors.
- Click 'Load Presets…' and select 'Import…'.
- Select downloaded
. - Click 'Load Presets…' again and select one of Tomorrow Theme.
Copyright © Chayoung You. See LICENSE.txt for details.