# with your google gobazzinga.io account at https://grafana-yral.fly.dev/
IaC ops repo for Grafana
Obtain private key for datasources from admin
Obtain grafana service account token from admin
Set grizzly context
grr config create-context yral grr config set grafana.url https://grafana-yral.fly.dev grr config set grafana.token <token>
Start preview server
grr serve resources
Edit in preview will also make changes to YAML file, make a commit
"Deploy dashboards" workflow will automatically run on github
Create an empty dashboard yaml file (use this template)
Make a commit
Now edit the workflow using editing existing dashboard workflow
Set targets using
grr config set targets Dashboard,Dashboardfolder,DataSource
Pull resources using
grr pull resources
- Select app of choice. Can also enter name of your app if missing from the list
- Query field takes a lucene query (https://lucene.apache.org/core/2_9_4/queryparsersyntax.html)
- Example = message:(ERROR OR WARN) NOT DEBUG
- Tail is 3000 lines by default, but can be increased from the edit section
- Custom role permissions
bigquery.datasets.get bigquery.jobs.create bigquery.models.export bigquery.models.getData bigquery.models.getMetadata bigquery.models.list bigquery.routines.get bigquery.routines.list bigquery.tables.export bigquery.tables.get bigquery.tables.getData bigquery.tables.list resourcemanager.projects.get
- Custom role permissions