Allows Javascript applications to read and write local files, through the use of a privileged applet.
This code has been derived from, a 100% web based git client.
Some refer to this method as JAHA, in true four letter Web 2.0 fashion.
<html> <head> </head> <body> <script src=""></script> <script src="fileify.js"></script> <script> $(document).bind('fileifyready', function(){ var filename = "/tmp/test"; // Read a file var result =; if (result["error"] == undefined){ console.log("Success: "+result["data"]); }else{ console.log("Error: "+result["error"]); } // Overwrite a file result = Fileify.write(filename, "Hello World"); if (result["error"] == undefined){ console.log("Success"); }else{ console.log("Failure: "+result["error"]); } }); </script> </body> </html>
In order to build fileify for your own site you’ll need git, Eclipse (3.5 or greater) and the Java 1.6 JDK.
git clone
Launch eclipse
From the File menu choose “Import” and then “Existing Projects into Workspace” and select the git checkout you made in step 1.
Fix any library reference errors (I use Ubuntu to develop, so it’s likely the files moved if you aren’t using Ubuntu)
Next you’ll need to create a keystore to sign the applet so it can run privileged.
Use the following to generate the keystore: “keytool -genkeypair -alias fileify -keypass secret -storepass secret -validity 365” Answer the questions as prompted.
You should now be able to right click the build.xml file in eclipse and build the all target.
There should now be a fileify.jar in the root of the git checkout, which you can place in the root of your application.
First fork the repository using github.
Create a branch for your feature or fix with an appropriate name.
Make your changes and create any relevant test cases (see tests/) and then push to github.
Create a github ticket with a link to the relevant branch that you think should be merged. Briefly describe what is going on in the ticket
- - An applet used by the Tiddlywiki project to save, similar but less generic.
- - W3C’s proposal for a read only file API (used in FF 3.6)