NWorldPermissions 4.22
You can download the compiled package 'NWorldPermissions.jar' in the assets below.
Don't forget to visit WIKI, especially the Offline Players Tracker page, otherwise you may misuse some features.
Caution! The structure of file 'messages.yml' has been changed.
Change Log
- 增添 /wp marks list 和 /wp worlds list 指令;
- Commands '/wp marks list' and '/wp worlds list' are added;
- 如果不表示一个样式, & 将不会被替换;
- If it doesn't represent a formatting code, '&' won't be replaced;
- 如果玩家传送已经被其他插件取消,将不产生提示。
- If the teleportation has been cancelled by other plugins, there won't be a message.