Releases: yueyinqiu/NWorldPermissions
NWorldPermissions 4.30
You can download the compiled package 'NWorldPermissions.jar' in the assets below.
Don't forget to visit WIKI, especially the Offline Players Tracker page, otherwise you may misuse some features.
Caution! The structure of file 'messages.yml' has been changed. (Compared with 4.22)
Change Log
- messages.yml内容小改动;
- 'messages.yml' has been changed a little (and not the structure);
- 默认的config.yml有所改动;
- The default 'config.yml' has been changed a little (and not the structure);
- 修复消息显示问题。
- A bug on messages is solved.
NWorldPermissions 4.22
You can download the compiled package 'NWorldPermissions.jar' in the assets below.
Don't forget to visit WIKI, especially the Offline Players Tracker page, otherwise you may misuse some features.
Caution! The structure of file 'messages.yml' has been changed.
Change Log
- 增添 /wp marks list 和 /wp worlds list 指令;
- Commands '/wp marks list' and '/wp worlds list' are added;
- 如果不表示一个样式, & 将不会被替换;
- If it doesn't represent a formatting code, '&' won't be replaced;
- 如果玩家传送已经被其他插件取消,将不产生提示。
- If the teleportation has been cancelled by other plugins, there won't be a message.
NWorldPermissions 4.21
You can download the compiled package 'NWorldPermissions.jar' in the assets below.
Don't forget to visit WIKI, especially the Offline Players Tracker page, otherwise you may misuse some features.
Caution! The structure of file 'messages.yml' has been changed.
Change Log
- 更改版本号格式和版本检查方案;
- Change the version format and the update check implementation;
- 修改 config 命令为 worlds ;
- The command '/wp config' is changed to '/wp worlds';
- 添加和移除受控世界时,提供存在性检查。
- When adding and removing controlled worlds the arguments will get checked.
NWorldPermissions 4.2.0
Caution: The structure of 'config.yml' is changed! (Compared with 4.1.0)
Change Log:
- 使用 java 完成了到 4.1.1_Pre1 版本的所有工作;
- Rewrite the same functions as before 4.1.1_Pre2 in Java;
- 修改了更新检查方式,减小体积。
- Change the way of update checking to reduce the volume.
NWorldPermissions 4.1.1_Pre2
This version may be unstable.
Caution: The structure of 'config.yml' is changed! (Compared with 4.1.0)
Change Log
- 重新回到 java ,以解决问题。
- Java is used again to solve the problems.
NWorldPermissions 4.1.1_Pre1
This version may be unstable.
Caution: The structure of 'config.yml' is changed!
Change Log
- 可以设置上线传送时的传送次数了。
- You can set how many times the players will be teleported when joining the game now.
NWorldPermissions 4.1.0
Change Log
- 使用 \n 换行代替 \r\n。
- Using '\n' instead of '\r\n'.
NWorldPermissions 4.0.4_Pre2
This version may be unstable.
Change Log
- 压缩了,但……就那么一点点点点点点点点……;
- It's compressed, but the amount of compression is pitiful;
- 若对应文件不存在,使用 reload 会自动创建默认文件;
- If the corresponding file does not exist, using 'reload' will automatically create the default file;
- 更新检查优化;
- The update checker is optimized;
- 传送在线玩家时出现的消息提示 bug 已修复。
- The bug (that the message cannot be sent correctly when teleporting online players) has been fixed.
NWorldPermissions 4.0.4_Pre1
This version may be unstable.
Change Log
- 改用 GITHUB 检查更新;
- Check the update on '' instead of on '';
- 改用 Kotlin —— 这会使插件更加安全,但也会导致体积变大,下个版本可能尽量压缩体积;
- Use kotlin instead -- which will make the plugin safer but the volume bigger, and I will try to compress it in the next version.
NWorldPermissions 4.0.3
This version has been released primarily to match the code.
Change Log
- messages.yml 错误提示修正。
- The error message meaning 'messages.yml corrupted' is changed.