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Commands and Permissions

yueyinqiu edited this page Aug 31, 2020 · 23 revisions

In most versions, issuing '/wp' can get all the permissions, so I'm not willing to copy it here.
The only permissions you can't find in the messages is 'nworldpermissions.forfreeto.<world_name>'. It will give a player the right to enter a controlled world.
And we support MarksAPI. Only who has the permission 'nworldpermissions.marks.list' has access to the marks set by this plugin.

In most versions, issuing '/wp' can also get all the commands.
You should fill all the <x> with a particular value, except <x = y>, which means that if you don't fill it, the value 'y' will be used.
[x] means optional.

If you still don't know how to use the plugin, visit Use Cases.

In previous versions, the permissions might be: 'nworldpermissions.toworld.<world_name>', 'nworldpermissions.reload' or 'nworldpermissions.admin'.


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