Sign Language Recognition System on FPGA
Magic glove is a glove which can do sign language recognition. We used some techniques used in speech recognition, and trained a cnn model. All of the computations are done in an FPGA board to implement hardware acceleration.
We used an arduino nano, a 6-axis gyro, and potentiometers to collect the motion of hands.
The data preprocessing is done to normalize input data.
We use a convolutional neural network (CNN) model to predict the character in the current frame.
Since there will be some duplicates and noise throughout all frames, the post processing is done to deduplicate and denoise.
We build a bi-charactor dictionary to store the probability of occurrence for each two consecutive characters.
Through the probability of bi-character, we can calculate the cumulative probability of all possible words, the word with highest probability will be the result.
We show our result on a monitor through VGA.