This repository can create cleaning-team for azumi lab.
1.1. Clone this repository
$ git clone
1.2. Install python library
# if you use pip:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# if you use conda:
$ conda env create --file conda.yml
$ conda activate cct_env
Executing following command, then you can create five group that meet the criteria (shown in 3. section).
$ python --group_num 5
Following results files will be generated!
- At least one person from each grade is included in a group.
- The person who has been in the same group is not in the same group.
- If no solution can be found in 200000 loops, the combination with the fewest number of same pair is choiced.
- 各グループに各学年最低一人以上はいる
- これまで同じグループになった人とは同じグループにならない
- もしも20000ループ以内に条件を満たす解が見つからない場合、これまで同じグループになったことがあるペア数が最も少ない組み合わせが選ばれる