CS408 Semester Project
Geometry Jest is to be a web based game for learning about the interactions between points lines and planes.
The website has a backend server built in Rust using the Rocket Framework. The server interacts with a mySQL database using Diesel. The frontend is built in JS with React.
Install WSL onto your computer. I think it's best if we do all builds in there. It works on all versions of Windows 10 Home.
- Rust
If you're on WSL run
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh rustup default nightly
in the terminal. This will install rust and set it to the nightly release (might be required for rocket, also cooler).
(Optional) Install cargo watch with
cargo install cargo-watch
This will let you edit code and have the server running at the same time, when you save the server will rebuild automatically (more on that later).
I needed to run sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev to do cargo run
- NodeJS (npm)
Install and update npm/NodeJS with
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
Restart after running this command then run
nvm install 17
This will install nvm (Node Version Manager) and NodeJS 17.x.
To confirm that npm and NodeJS were installed you can run
npm --verison node -v
These commands will return the npm version (currently 8.x) and NodeJS version (17.x) respectively.
Install required packages
npm install
Create a mySQL table with columns
| id | username | userpass | salt | highscore |
Where id is a Primary Key int, username is a varchar(12) userpass is a char(64), salt is a char(32), and highscore is int.
Go into the frontend directory.
To test the frontend with no backend support run
npm ci
npm start
This will start a the frontend portion of the webpage on localhost:3000.
To build the frontend fully run
npm run build
This will create a build
directory that the backend will need to host the webpages.
Go into the server directory
Edit .env.example
file and remove .example
to suit your use.
My .env file
To run the server run the command
cargo run
This will do nothing but run the server. This is dependent on a build being present at ../frontend/build
being present.
If you would like to run the server and have it automatically rebuild on changes use
cargo watch -x run
This is of course reliant on cargo-watch
being installed.