Treeminer uses the vertical scope-list representation to mine frequent sequences [2005-treeminer:tkde]. Treeminer counts all embeddings, whereas Treeminer-D counts only distinct occurrences, which can be more appropriate for some datasets. Also included is the horizontal format based PatternMatcher approach.
Relevant Publications
[2005-treeminer:tkde] Mohammed J. Zaki. Efficiently mining frequent trees in a forest: algorithms and applications. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 17(8):1021–1035, August 2005. special issue on Mining Biological Data. doi:10.1109/TKDE.2005.125.
[2002-treeminer] Mohammed J. Zaki. Efficiently mining frequent trees in a forest. In 8th ACM SIGKDD International Conference Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. July 2002.
See also that extends the TreeMiner methodology to mine all frequent embedded or induced as well as ordered or unordered tree patterns.
For the Tree data generator see