Repo for Cisco DNA Center ITSM Integration (ServiceNow) Custom Workflows.
This application is included in the scoped app: "Cisco DNA Custom Workflows". This App is in development. The script is triggered when a new "Additional Comment" is added to an incident. The comment must be formatted in this way: device: deviceHostname command: CLI command
Example of a valid additional comment: device: PDX-M command: show ip int bri
The app will call the Cisco DNA Center REST APIs to:
- obtain a Cisco DNA Center token
- identify the device UUID for the device with the hostname
- send the CLI command to device with the command runner APIs
- retrieve the command output
- post the command output in the incident notes
All application logs start with "DNA Custom Workflow -- "
- Cisco DNA Center
- ServiceNow instance
- Cisco DNA App installed and configured on ServiceNow
- ServiceNow MID server
@author, Gabriel Zapodeanu, TME, Cisco Systems
Thank you, Stephan Zapodeanu, CS Student, Purdue University, for your contributions to this app development.