This repository contains the homepage of Apache Tamaya (incubating). We are using jBake to generate a static page. It is enhanced by maven-generated artifacts such as Javadoc.
The repository is linked to the live web page at after migration started in 2016-09.
Contains the jbake original files and all binaries (images, fonts, static JS) and the base contents.
All Thymeleaf-based page templates can be found in the templates
directory. These templates are footer, header and menu of the website.
All variables are defined in
Images, CSS and JS have to be put in the assets
All of the contents goes in content
. The directory structure defines the menu subitems when the website is baked.
A full installation of jBake is checked in under bin
in order to be able to reproducable generate the pages even if there is a problem with the project, internet or something else. It's meant as a matter of convenience and security.
Please do not check in the output
directory as it contains the baked homepage! It needs to be checked in with a different structure in the branch asf-site
Is linked to as requested via
In case you want to play with homepage locally:
- Clone this repository.
- Launch the bash script
$ ./
- Point your browser to http://localhost:8820/
You need write access to this repository and have to generate the javadoc manually!
- Generate Javadoc for Tamaya Core
$ cd tamaya
$ git checkout master (to generate the current development version) OR
$ git checkout 0.3-incubating (to generate the a stable release version)
$ mvn site
(since javadoc:javadoc does not generate a full report)
- Launch the bash script to generate the homepage and switch to the asf branch:
$ git checkout master
$ ./
- Make sure you are on branch asf-site! Copy the generated Javadoc into apidocs
$ git checkout asf-site
$ cd apidocs
$ cp -r pathToTamayaCoreRepo/target/site/apidocs/* ./development/ - for current master version OR
$ cp -r pathToTamayaCoreRepo/target/site/apidocs/* ./stable/ - for released/stable version(s)
- Push your changes
$ git push
- Wait a couple of minutes for the gitpubsub to happen.
- Go to in your browser
There is a daily build job that triggers a site baking on ASF-Jenkins:
Apart from integration into ASF CI there's a travis build: