This RESTful API allows users to create an account, input basic measurements, and receive recommendations for bikes that will fit their personal morphology. Users can save bikes to a collection to reference at any time.
This app is built entirely with JS and uses a MongoDB database. Although a front end has yet to be built, this is a MEAN stack app in the making and will follow MVC principles.
The fit-O-matic API allows users to create profile, input some measurements, and receive a list of bicycles which will best fit them.
Gary Lundgren: As a software developer my focus has been on building high quality applications. I have specialized in utilizing the MEAN stack for development and am always on a journey to learn and use new technologies.
Zachary Crumbo: I'm a full stack developer with a background in design, photography, and ecommerce. I love to learn, to debug, and to find connections.
Regan O'Neill: After gaining development experience at a digital marketing agency, I wanted to learn more about the backend and front-end frameworks.
- User ID
- Email address
- Password
- Username
- Admin Status
- Token
- Name
- Gender
- Photo
- Inseam
- Torso
- Height
- User ID
- Created On
- [Bike Geometries]
- Fit Model ID
- bikeName
- mfrID
- category
- photoURI
- url
- price
- modelYear
- created
- name
- website
- bikeID
- bikeSizeName
- wheelSize
- bbDrop
- forkLength
- forkOffset
- topTubeLength
- headTubeLength
- seatTubeAngle
- stack
- reach
Example: Required Data:
- Provide username, password, email as JSON requests
This route will create a new user in the database, create a hash for the password, create a token and return the token to the user. This token will required for any subsequent requests
Example post data { username: 'test username', email: 'test email', password: 'testpassword', admin: true }
Example response(token):
Example: Required data: - Login credentials in authorization header:
Authorization: `Basic username:password`
- Returned will be a token for any subsequent requests
Required data: - Username and password. In response you will receive your user information with a hash of the new password:
{ _id: '58cadfb05f2ff5567c974e41',
username: 'some new name',
email: 'test email',
password: '$2a$10$.fxE4md8/a6msDdntIWfEe0/d7aR0nPjx/aY1nPJDZy41NzRMKxJG',
admin: true,
__v: 0 }
Required data:
- Provide user id to delete the user (and their profile), then receive a 204 status in return.
Required data:
- Provide a profile id and receive user properties:
{ __v: 0,
name: 'Fresh Name',
gender: 'female',
photo: 'katze.png',
userID: '58cae148f6877b56d197f597',
_id: '58cae148f6877b56d197f598',
geoID: [],
createdOn: '2017-03-16T19:02:32.927Z' }
Required data:
- Provide an id and receive all profile properties for that user:
{ _id: '58cae3a8c9b2cc57255bac7f',
name: 'tested',
gender: 'man',
photo: 'greatphoto.png',
userID: '58cae3a8c9b2cc57255bac7e',
__v: 0,
geoID: [],
createdOn: '2017-03-16T19:12:40.976Z' }
Required data:
- Provide an id and receive an object containing the bikes related to this user:
{ _id: '58cae200d188fa56f60f5e79',
name: 'Mrs. Test Name',
gender: 'female',
photo: 'doje.png',
userID: '58cae200d188fa56f60f5e75',
__v: 0,
[ { _id: '58cae200d188fa56f60f5e78',
bikeSizeName: 'new size for you',
__v: 0,
bikeID: [Object] } ],
createdOn: '2017-03-16T19:05:36.743Z' }
Required data:
- Provide an id and update properties on a user profile. Returned will be the updated profile object:
{ _id: '58cae47911c05657461beb86',
name: 'Mr. Updated Name',
gender: 'female',
photo: 'doje.png',
userID: '58cae47911c05657461beb85',
__v: 0,
geoID: [],
createdOn: '2017-03-16T19:16:09.253Z' }
Required data:
- Provide an id and receive a status code of 204 in return.
Required data:
- Provide a bikeID to save a bike geometry to the database and receive confirmation:
{ __v: 0,
bikeSizeName: 'test size',
topTubeLength: 52,
_id: '58cad65164b684551c2a39e1',
bikeID: [ '58cad65064b684551c2a39e0' ] }
Required data:
- Provide a bike ID and receive an object:
{ _id: '58cad308d70f5054a910c306',
bikeName: 'sample name',
category: 'sample category',
photoKey: 'photodest.jpg',
photoURI: 'photodest.jpg',
mfrID: '58cad308d70f5054a910c305',
__v: 0,
created: '2017-03-16T18:01:44.456Z' }
Required data:
- Provide a manufacturer ID with bike details and receive an object with those details:
{ __v: 0,
bikeName: 'sample name',
category: 'sample category',
photoKey: 'bb12a98d4c559806581c3d2bf66848c3.jpg',
photoURI: '',
mfrID: '58cad46d60fedf54d07f7fc0',
_id: '58cad46d60fedf54d07f7fc1',
created: '2017-03-16T18:07:41.876Z' }
Required data:
- Provide your height and inseam in the query string to receive a list of bikes fit for you:
{ topTube: 52,
[ { _id: '58cad7044711ad553cf0e255',
bikeSizeName: 'test size',
topTubeLength: 52,
__v: 0,
bikeID: [Object] } ] }
Required data:
- Passing a geometry ID will return an object:
{ _id: '58cad7b0ec3e58555cb8b681',
bikeSizeName: 'updated name',
topTubeLength: 52,
__v: 0,
[ '58cad7afec3e58555cb8b67b',
'58cad7b0ec3e58555cb8b680' ] }
Required data:
- Name and website will return a new Mfr object:
{ __v: 0,
name: 'test brand',
website: '',
_id: '58cadb6554a4a655c10c8ba0' }
Required data:
- Manufacturer's ID will return:
{ _id: '58cb22f463c6155c777fd0d7',
name: 'updated name',
website: '',
__v: 0 }
Required data:
- Manufacturer's ID will return information about that mfr:
{ _id: '58cadcdeed15e355e2bb053b',
name: 'test brand',
website: '',
__v: 0 }
Required data: mfr id
- Returns a status code of 204.
mocha test runner chai(expect) bluebird promise library eslint
travis-cl integrated in this project. linked through gitHub.