This tool based on passenger245/yggdrasil-peer-tools code
Automatically updates public peers in yggdrasil configuration from yggdrasil-network/public-peers
Poetry is used for dependency management
curl -sSL | python3 -
Create virtual environment and install depencdencies
make install
usage: [-h] [--only-tcp] [--only-tls] [--only-ipv4] [--only-ipv6] [--only-alive] [--sync] [--prefer-tcp] [--prefer-tls] [config_file]
Update yggdrasil configuration file with peers from GitHub repository
positional arguments:
config_file Yggdrasil configuration file to update, if not provided, will try to find it automatically in default location
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--only-tcp Gather only TCP peers
--only-tls Gather only TLS peers
--only-ipv4 Gather only IPv4 peers
--only-ipv6 Gather only IPv6 peers
--only-alive Add only alive peers to config. Every peers will be checked, it can take some time
--sync Sync peers in config with gathered ones. Others words, replaces peers in config with gathered
--prefer-tcp If peer is available by TCP and TLS protocols, only TCP will be used
--prefer-tls If peer is available by TCP and TLS protocols, only TLS will be used
poetry run python --prefer-tcp --only-ipv4
poetry run python --sync /etc/yggdrasil/yggdrasil.test.conf