Placeholders are a necessity when writing web apps. Gophgen gives you a simple API for fast and autonomous placeholder creation right in your html.
go get -u
Simply run the server at $GOPATH/bin/gophgen
and type the localhost:port/parameters
into src
attribute of your img
Default port is 8080
but you can set it to any unreserved port on startup: gophgen 5555
Change parameters
to what you want that image to be.
- random 64x64 imagehttp://localhost:8080/i
- random 64x64 identicon
Single number or two numbers separated by 'x' character:
- 250x250 imagehttp://localhost:8080/240x100
- 240x100 imagehttp://localhost:8080/i/85
- 85x85 identicon (use this format for identicons)
One parameter for one color, two parameters for two colors (for identicons).
- 200x200 image with #5533ffff as its color.http://localhost:8080/i/120/099b8c/bc3a1abb
- 120x120 identicon with background color #099b8cff and foreground color #bc3a1abbhttp://localhost:8080/i/64/53f/fuchsia
- 64x64 identicon with colors #5533ffff and "fuchsia" (from x11 color palette) It's really flexible, just try other combinations.
Want a unique identicon for a particular user? Just add some seed at the end:
- 128x128 identicon with colors #099b8cff and #bc3a1aff for "UserName125"