This code was originally written by Heather Crites ( and requires the Kaltura Client for Python (
Launch with:
This script looks for a "publish_recordings_to_kaltura.txt" file in the same folder. This file contains 3 fields in a tab delmiited format:
collab_recording_id bb_course_id username
example: 1a3d015ddac62cf14cec249a939af4a7 1223-SUBJ-1234 chris
and then using Collaborate and Kaltura REST, it publishes the recordings into Kaltura with the following details:
Entry Name: course_id recording full_name - recording_date Tags: "collaborate_recording" & course_id ReferenceID: Collaborate__recording_id_ Owner: username
Entry Name: 1223-SUBJ-1234 Session 35 - Nov 13 - recording_1 - 11/13/2020 Tags: "collaborate_recording", "1223-SUBJ-1234" ReferenceID: "Collaborate_1a3d015ddac62cf14cec249a939af4a7" Owner: chris
To use, you will need your Collaborate LTI Key and Secret and Kaltura Partner ID and admin secret.
This only works with PUBLIC Collaborate Ultra recordings. If your recordings are not public, open a Blackboard support ticket and they can change the visibility of recordings.
Line 84 - Collab LTI key (Consumer Key in Collaborate Ultra Building Block)
Line 85 - Collab LTI secret (Shared Secret in Collaborate Ultra Building Block)
Line 86 - Collab CSA Service URL
Line 129: Kaltura partner id
Line 141: Kaltura admin secret
Line 144: Kaltura partner id
And pay attention to:
Line 91: Collab Oauth timeout (minutes)
Line 145: Kaltura Oauth timeout (seconds)