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A web app that help people find excellent photographers

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An application that helps customers find photographers based on their desired photography service type and location. It:

  1. Allows public users to search and view photographers.
  2. Allows public users to # and become a registered photographer in the app.
  3. Allows photographers to #, edit their profile information, and upload photos.
  4. Allows public users to send an email to contact the photographer for their desired photography service.

The app requires authentication and uses role-based access management strategy to control different types of user behavior in the app.

App currently hosted at

About the Stack


The backend of this app is built in Python. Python version: 3.9.15.

  • Server: Python 3, Flask
  • Database:PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy. SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper (ORM). The Object Relational Mapper allows classes to be mapped to database models. It provides a generalized interface for creating and executing database-agnostic code without needing to write SQL statements.
  • Authentication and Authorization: Auth0. Auth0 provides authentication and authrization services. Our app uses Auth0 as a light-weight third-part solution to avoid the cost, time, and risk in building our own solution to authenticate and authorize users.
  • Cloud Storage: AWS S3. The app uses Amazon Web Service S3 to handle the upload, upload, and deletion of photos.


  • React and Node Package Manager (NPM)

Getting Started

Create virtual environment

conda create --name [project name] python=3.9.15
conda activate [project name]

Install python dependencies

cd backend
pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install all the rquired packages we selected within the requirements.txt file

Install frontend dependencies

This project uses NPM to manage software dependencies. NPM Relies on the package.json file located in the frontend directory. Navigate into the ./frontend directory and run:

nmp install

Set up Postgresql database

This app uses Postgresql as database and SQLAlchemy python package to interact with the database. If you use a local database, go to the terminal and create a new database using:

createdb [database name]

Then try the following command to see if the database is successfully created. Enter username and password if required.

psql [database name]

If the database is successfully created, you should be connected to the database and are able to use psql commands to directly interact with the local database.

Configure environment variables

Go to the .env file (should be added in the .gitignore) located in the root directly of /backend folder and update the database user credenssials. You may skip this if you are not using a local database.

Start the backend server

Navigate into the ./backend directory and run:


This will run the backend as well as create tables in the database if those tables did not exist.

Stand up the React app

Navigate into the ./frontend directory and run:

npm start

This will stand up the app in development mode.

If you need to start the app in the production environment, instead of running npm start, use:

npm run build

This will create a production build inside the ./frontend/build folder.

Authentication and Authorization

Set up Auth0

The authentication system used for this app is Auth0. Steps to create and connect the Photomaster app:

  1. Register a Auth0 account.
    • Select a unique tenant domain. (This might be assigned by default if using a free account)
  2. Create a new single page web application.
  3. Go to the application settings, fill out all required information.
    • Allowed Callback URLs
    • Allowed Logout URLs that matches the frontend app design.
    • Allowed Web Origins
  4. Create an API for the new application.
    • Enable Role-based Access Control
    • Enable Add Permission in the Access Token
  5. In the API settings, create permissions for the backend endpoints where permissions are required.
  6. Go to User Management to create roles. Assign permissions to roles.

Configure environment variables

Configure environment variables in the ./backend/env file to match the Auth0 domain and API settings. Open the ./frontend/src/App.js file and ensure the app urls match the urls in the application settings.


Set up AWS S3 service

  1. Create an AWS account.
  2. Go to S3 service and create a new bucket.
  3. In the S3 settings, create a new access key pair and take note of the key pair before closing it.

Configure environment variables

Configure environment variables in the ./backend/env file to match the S3 bucket.


A web app that help people find excellent photographers






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