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This is food conservation and waste reduction system in angular, Node JS and MySQL. The sellers list the item that is near to expire(surplus food), submit the item then the system list the item added for sale on home page. The buyers after visiting the site look for the items, place his/her desired bid. Buyers can see bids submitted by other buyers

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

Food Conservation and waste Reduction Web application

This is a 3-tiers architecture with frontend in angular, Backend in nodejs(Expresjs) REST APIs Framework, Sequelize ORM and MySQL Database. feel free to asky any question. I have alos provided Report and detail demo video. so, it will help you to read the code easily.


This is my FYP project So, I have provided

 -> Frontend code
 -> backend Code
 -> Database with data
 -> Proposal
 -> Internal and External  presenatations
 -> Project Report/thesis
 -> Report/thesis Latext Code
 -> A short Demo Video
 -> Readme file

download Nodejs(if not installed)

Install Angular CLI (if not installed)

npm install -g @angular/cli

add angular material (if not installed)

ng add @angular/material

NPM packages need to Installed in angular frontend project:

npm install --save ngx-shimmering-loader

npm i @auth0/angular-jwt

npm install sweetalert2

npm i ngx-image-cropper

npm i ngx-file-drag-drop

npm i ngx-image-compress

npm i ng-lazyload-image

npm i ngx-countdown

npm install card-validator

npm i ngx-star-rating

npm i ng-image-slider

npm install --save ngx-webcam

npm i -s @angular/flex-layout @angular/cdk

NPM packages need to Installed in backend project:

npm init

npm install express sequelize mysql2 cors


In sqlyog import the database provided.


1. Register on the Site

Responsive register page

Or Login if you are already registered

Login required

3. Add New Item

add new auction

4. Home for listing the applications


5. Bidders to see/view and place thiers bids. buyers/biddrs can see other bids.

5.1 Bid Details viewed by bidder

Bid details

5.2 Bidder placing Bid

Bid details update

6. Bidder profile showing sale and bids history


Other bidders can view the bids without login/# like this but can not place bid with signin.


7. Seller to approve any of the Bid


8. Bidders will be informed of his/her bid status wether approved or not.


9. After approving bidder to pay on the price he/she placed


10.Sellers wil be informed about his payment.



Admin Panel

/********************************* image

Apppy some Filters::::::::::::::::


and so, on


This is food conservation and waste reduction system in angular, Node JS and MySQL. The sellers list the item that is near to expire(surplus food), submit the item then the system list the item added for sale on home page. The buyers after visiting the site look for the items, place his/her desired bid. Buyers can see bids submitted by other buyers







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