- Metrics
- Filters
- Processors
- Outputs
- Examples
Docs in progress. If you know Russian, you can read this post.
Outputs cpu info
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-i | Interval, seconds | N | 1 |
Outputs file stat info
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-i | Interval, seconds | N | 1 |
-f | File path | Y | "" |
Outputs system memory info
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-i | Interval, seconds | N | 1 |
Check that remote address and port are open. Outputs "true" if open, "false" otherwise
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-i | Interval, seconds | N | 1 |
-a | Address (host:port) | Y | "" |
-n | Network to use (tcp, udp) | N | "tcp" |
This metric collects information about process(es), specified by -pid parameter or -name parameter. If pid is given, than only the process with this PID is monitored. If name given, than cm_m_procinfo will monitor all processes whose procname mathces given pattern (-name is regex patter), and all values will be sum of values of individual processes.
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-i | Interval, seconds | N | 1 |
-pid | Process PID | N | |
-name | Regex pattern to match procname against | N |
cm_m_procinfo -name '^chrome'
Outputs network statistics
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-i | Interval, seconds | N | 1 |
Example output:
Check that input is "false" or "0". Drop line otherwise
Check that input is "true" or "1". Drop line otherwise
Check that input matches given regular expression. Drop line otherwise. Output depends on parameters
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-e | Regular expression | N | ".*" |
-o | Output template. If given, cm_f_regex will output this string. {0} will hold whole match, {N}, where N>0 will hold N-th regex group match | N | "" |
--invert | Invert match behaviour | N | false |
echo "123-345" | cm_f_regex -e '(\d+)-(\d+)' -o 'Whole match: {0}. Converted: {1}/{2}'
Output: Whole match: 123-345. Converted: 123/345
This filter reads content of file specified in -f parameter, compares it with -s string parameter and ignores input if they don't match. Useful to enable/disable monitoring at all, by putting some string in file.
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-f | File path to read content from | Y | |
-s | String to be interpreted as true value | N | "1" |
Buffer incoming data, and output it in bulks one at a time.
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-s | Max lines to buffer | N | 10 |
-fi | Flush interval. If specified and >0, than cm_p_bulk will flush internal buffer at most every -fi seconds | N | 0 |
Will output only first line at specified interval. Use it to send alerts only at given interval
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-i | Debounce interval, seconds | N | 10 |
Converts EOT to LF symbols. Use it to pipe data to other CLI commands
Converts LF to EOT symbols. Use it to pipe data from other CLI commands
Special processor. Use it before first output command. It will create json message in format needed for output commands. There is a default limit of 60 messages per hour, to prevent self spamming. You can change it with -l parameter.
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-m | Message. If specified, msg.Message field will contain this sting. {stdin} in replaced by input data. Otherwise input data is used | N | "" |
-s | Severity. One of ("debug", "info", "warn", "alert", "critical"). Actually you can use any string. But some output providers expect severity to be one of those mentioned above | N | "info |
-h | Host name | N | OS hostname |
-l | Max messages per hour. If more than -l messages received during hour, new messages will be dropped. Counter is reset every hour | N | 60 |
Example: |
echo "1111" | cm_p_message -m "Disk usage is: {stdin}" -s "alert"
Output: {"Severity":"alert","Message":"Disk usage is: 1111","Created":"2019-06-04T12:30:22.571812604+03:00","HostName":"ubuntu"}
Truncate input data to specified max length
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-l | Max length. If specified and >0, input will be truncated to this length | N | 0 |
Outputs "true" if no input is given for more than specified seconds. Useful to act as a watchdog to monitor file changes f.e. or other stuff where bad condition is that something is not happening for some period of time
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-i | Max no action interval, seconds | N | 10 |
Outputs (input - prev_input) / time. Useful for calculating bandwidth.
cm_m_procinfo -name '^chrome' | cm_p_eot2nl | jq -cM --unbuffered '.NetInBytes' | cm_p_nl2eot | cm_p_bandwidth | cm_p_eot2nl
Outputs average of input values
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-i | Time interval for averaging, seconds | N | 10 |
Search input using provided regex pattern and insert EOT (End-Of-Transition) character before matched elements. Use multiline processor when you need to properly handle multiline logs.
TODO: write more about EOT character and new line processing.
F.e. suppose your log file contains this text:
[error] This is some multiline
log message.
Here is another line
[warning] This is another message
with text in another line
And you want log messages to be splited by [level] block. You can do it like this (simplified ):
tail -F test.log | cm_p_multiline -p '\[(error|warning)\]' | cm_p_message | cm_o_telegram
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-p | Regex pattern to search | Y |
Send input data to telegram channel
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-cid | Channel ID | Y | |
-token | Bot Api token | Y |
Send input data to opsgenie channel
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-apiToken | Api token | Y | |
-apiEndpoint | Api endpoint. Example "https://api.eu.opsgenie.com/v2/alerts" | Y | |
-responderType | Responser type. F.e. "team" | Y | |
-responderId | Responser id | Y |
Send input data over smtp
Name | Description | Mandatory | Default |
-host | SMTP host | Y | |
-port | SMTP port | Y | |
-userName | SMTP user name | Y | |
-userPass | SMTP user password | Y | |
-from | Send from | Y | |
-to | Send to | Y |
Monitor CPU load average
cm_m_cpu | cm_p_eot2nl | jq -cM --unbuffered 'if .LoadAvg1 > 1 then .LoadAvg1 else false end' | cm_p_nl2eot | cm_f_regex -e '\d+' | cm_p_debounce -i 60 | cm_p_message -m 'Load average is {stdin}' | cm_o_telegram
Monitor number of jobs ib RabbitMq queue
while true; do rabbitmqctl list_queues -p queue_name | grep -Po --line-buffered '\d+'; sleep 60; done | jq -cM '. > 10000' --unbuffered | cm_p_nl2eot | cm_f_true | cm_p_message -m 'There are more than 10000 tasks in rabbit queue' | cm_o_opsgenie
Monitor that nothing was written to file for more than 10 seconds
tail -f out.log | cm_p_nl2eot | cm_p_watchdog -i 10 | cm_p_debounce -i 3600 | cm_p_message -m 'No write to out.log for 10 seconds' -s 'alert' | cm_o_telegram
Monitor network input traffic
cm_m_netstat | cm_p_eot2nl | jq -cM --unbuffered '.NetInBytes' | cm_p_nl2eot | cm_p_bandwidth | cm_p_average | cm_p_eot2nl
Monitor docker service is alive
while true; do systemctl show docker; sleep 10; done | cm_p_nl2eot | cm_f_regex -e 'ActiveState=(.*)' -o '{1}' | cm_f_regex -e 'active' --invert | cm_p_debounce -i 3600 | cm_p_message -m 'Docker engine is down. State: {stdin}' | cm_o_opsgenie