Workman is a command line utility to process commands using pool of workers
Workman maintains local SQLite database and:
- Track task statuses
- Handle failures and retries
- Save command stout and stderr
- Show simple terminal user interface
- Show min, max and avg command execution time
To undertand what workman is doing, here is simle usage example:
Install cargo if needed
curl -sSf | sh
Install workman
cargo install --git --locked
// and so on
Task can be any string, not just numbers
We will create job.php file with this content:
sleep(rand(1, 5));
echo $argv[1];
exit(rand(0, 1));
workman process --tasks ./tasks.csv --workers 4 --database progress.db --tries 3 --retry-delay 10 --exec 'php job.php {{task}}'
Workman will import tasks from tasks.csv file into progress.db, create 4 worker threads and begin executing our job
There are some interpolation rules, applied to exec command:
- {{N}} - where N is some number, will be replaced by column with index N is csv file (starting from 0)
- {{task}} will be replaced by column with index 0 for compatibility reasons
If command exit code is not 0, it will retry command after 10 seconds. After 3 failures job will fail
Here is what you will see
You can open progress.db file with any SQLite client to show additional information (stdout, stderr etc) and you can even edit it manually
Currently there are two subcommands in workman: process and stats
This command start processing tasks and show terminal UI
workman process --tasks 'tasks.csv' --workers 8 --database tasks.db --exec 'sleep1; echo {{task}}'
This command just dumps tasks stats to stdout in JSON format and exits
workman stats -d tasks.db
You can view all commands and arguments using: workman -h or workman --help