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This example came from this stackoverflow posting, user Nikolas Blahušiak
It was inspired by this youtube video
Fullstack SvelteKit ToDo App with TailWind CSS and MongoDB
Mar 20, 2021 Brayden Girard (46:13)
A few modifications have been made to the code. A few console.log() entries. Some mods made to /profile/index.svelte to make things look better.
You can get a glimpse on how to integrate to a MongoDB, and how to use hooks.
I was surprised how many times those console.logs hit the server.
I'm also very surprised as to how many db connections there are in place from a single application running on my local host.
Note: you will need to create an account at, # for a free test tier server, and enter your credentials in the file: /config/default.json
Note: Many thanks to Nikolas Blahušiak for the original work here.