- Linux Minecraft getting problems like this https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/3nxnzg/mouse_stuck_in_topleft_corner_please_help/
- Unplugging and replugging in mouse resets the settings if using mouseId (FIXED: use MOUSE_NAME instead of MOUSE_ID)
- Accel speed also resets to the option used in linux settings
- Works fine in cursor mode (in games are another story)
- Mouse sensor rotation (decimal in degrees)
- Mouse sensitivity multiplier (decimal)
- Custom function accel curves
- GUI with speed graph thing, profiles, etc
- python3
- e.g.
sudo apt-get install python3
- e.g.
Open your terminal
xinput list
and enter -
You will find the id number next to mouse name (e.g. Finalmouse Starlight ... id=9)
If you don't see your mouse (i.e. wayland recievers) try booting your linux into XORG (e.g. https://itsfoss.com/switch-xorg-wayland/), this would likely also fix some mouse stutter issues as it did for me