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智王AI开源团队,一个100%以AI项目落地变现为重点的开源团队。zwai-team is an open-source team that focuses 100% on monetizing AI projects.

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Zhiwang AI Open Source Team · Proposal

  • 各位关注人工智能发展的朋友们,随着人工智能技术的不断进步,我们已经看到了AI在各个领域的广泛应用,尤其是在商业方面的巨大潜力。 然而,仅仅依靠技术的进步还不足以实现可持续的发展,我们还需要将这些技术转化为实际的商业应用,探索AI变现的新机会。 因此,我们在此发起组建一个以“AI变现”为核心目标的开源团体。

  • Dear friends who are concerned about the development of artificial intelligence, with the continuous progress of artificial intelligence technology, we have seen the widespread application of AI in various fields, especially in the field of business, with enormous potential. However, relying solely on technological advancements is not enough to achieve sustainable development. We also need to translate these technologies into practical commercial applications and explore new opportunities for AI monetization. Therefore, we hereby initiate the formation of an open-source group with the core goal of "AI monetization".

  • 一、 团体宗旨 通过开放合作,汇聚各界资源与智慧,共同探索和优化AI技术的商业化路径。推动AI应用落地,实现资源的有效整合,促进创新与创业,最终实现经济效益和社会价值的双丰收。

  • 1、 The group aims to explore and optimize the commercialization path of AI technology through open cooperation, gathering resources and wisdom from all walks of life. Promote the implementation of AI applications, achieve effective integration of resources, promote innovation and entrepreneurship, and ultimately achieve a dual harvest of economic benefits and social value.

  • 二、工作方向

  • 2、 Work direction

  • 资源共享: 以【智王AI资源中心】为基础,扩大充实,建立统一、开放的团队【AI资源池】,汇聚团队成员的资源,降低开发成本。

  • Resource sharing: Based on the Zhiwang AI Resource Center, expand and enrich, establish a unified and open team AI resource pool, gather the resources of team members, and reduce development costs.

  • 交流互动: 定期举办线下或线上的技术分享会,邀请团队成员,以及相关专家和行业人士进行主题演讲,分享成功经验、市场分析及融资策略,提升成员的商业运营能力。

  • Communication and interaction: Regularly hold offline or online technology sharing sessions, invite team members, relevant experts, and industry professionals to give keynote speeches, share successful experiences, market analysis, and financing strategies, and enhance members' business operation capabilities.

  • 合作网络: 搭建一个开放的合作平台,连接不同领域的企业和团队,促进资源共享,形成良好的协作生态,扩大项目的市场影响力。

  • Collaboration Network: Build an open collaboration platform that connects enterprises and teams from different fields, promotes resource sharing, forms a good collaborative ecosystem, and expands the market influence of the project.

  • 三、加入我们 我们诚邀对AI变现有兴趣的开发者、企业家、投资人,以及任何对AI商业化充满热情的人士加入我们的团队。 无论你是技术专家、市场营销、项目管理还是创业者,都会在这个团队中找到合适的位置。 我们相信,团队的力量将激发出更多的创造性和商业价值。

  • 3、 We cordially invite developers, entrepreneurs, investors, and anyone passionate about AI commercialization who are interested in monetizing AI to join our team. Whether you are a technical expert, marketing expert, project manager, or entrepreneur, you will find a suitable position in this team. We believe that the power of the team will inspire more creativity and commercial value.

  • 四、结语 AI将是未来变革的重要驱动力,尤其在商业领域的巨大潜力还未被完全发掘。 让我们共同努力,携手推动AI技术的创新与变现,实现共赢的未来。 期待您的加入!

  • 4、 Conclusion: AI will be an important driving force for future change, especially in the business field where its enormous potential has not yet been fully tapped. Let's work together to promote innovation and monetization of AI technology, and achieve a win-win future. Looking forward to your joining!

  • 智王AI开源团队发起人 何海群(网名:字王) 2025年1月14日-

  • Founder of Zhiwang AI Open Source Team He Haiqun (username: Ziwang) January 14, 2025-  

# 【附录1】

[Appendix 1]

# ps,补充说明

PS, additional explanation

未来,在资金和管理等配套资源成熟的基础上,团队还计划开展以下工作: In the future, based on mature supporting resources such as funds and management, the team also plans to carry out the following work:

  • 项目孵化:将定期组织讨论和评审会议,鼓励团队成员提出创新的AI项目,从中选择可行性高的项目进行孵化,提供技术、资金和市场支援。 *Project incubation: Regular discussions and review meetings will be organized to encourage team members to propose innovative AI projects, select highly feasible projects for incubation, and provide technical, financial, and market support.
  • 资助机制:建立相应的资金池,支持优秀的AI项目,通过众筹、风险投资等多种方式帮助团队实现产品开发与市场推广。 *Funding mechanism: Establish corresponding funding pools to support excellent AI projects, and assist teams in product development and market promotion through various methods such as crowdfunding and venture capital.

有兴趣的人士,请填写倡议书【附录2】:《智王AI开源团队-个人简历模板.docx》 Interested parties, please fill out the proposal form [Appendix 2]: "Zhiwang AI Open Source Team - Personal Resume Template. docx" 填写后,请发mail,联系团队管理员即可 After filling it out, please send an email and contact the team administrator @字王:qq:357811718,微信:zwpython @Word King: qq: 357811718, WeChat: zwpython mail: 通过后,管理员会主动联系大家,加入智王AI开源团队群。 After approval, the administrator will proactively contact everyone and join the Zhiwang AI open source team group.



# 【智王AI资源库】

  • 百度网盘-链接: 提取码:hiks

  • 阿里云盘-链接: 提取码: fs64

  • 智王AI总群:124134140,智王AI-1群:655402626,智王AI-2群:419523710

  • 智王AI-3群:790548107

  • QQ社群,都是千人大群,总群是三千人超级大群。

  • 各个QQ社群,定期会清理非活跃成员,欢迎加入,积极发言,共同学习。

  • QQ群文件,和网盘,有海量AI资源/模型/文档,提供免费下载。

  • 微信群,请先+管理员微信:zwpython,注明:加群。


智王AI开源团队,一个100%以AI项目落地变现为重点的开源团队。zwai-team is an open-source team that focuses 100% on monetizing AI projects.






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