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Using power of Three.js and Ammo.js .Class oriented , script type module. No build no extra time spend needed. Networking with webRTC/Node.js signaling server. First person shooter Multiplayer solution


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Using power of Three.js, ammo.js. MagicThree is nice class sorted top level of threejs and ammo.js. Magic-three use the new version threejs 149. [JS type of script module variant with last version of three.module.js]

Extreme interest facts:

  • No spending times on build, magic-three use type module in browser.
  • Using themes without scss - also no build.
  • Combination Three.js vs ammo.js is last physics solution from three.js project.
  • Using webRTC for networking/multiplayer brings video chat/stream in same time.


Magic-Three is First Person Oriented but can be used for any other case of app flow.

  • No build needed, just copy/paste for both dev and prod mode.It is the module type of script. Nice fit with npm modules also works direct in browser.

  • Custom magic Map loader. All 3d objects comes from map.

  • No package.json [if this repo become npm package then will be back]

  • Must be fully PWA [cache, server compression, image format webp etc...]

  • MultiLang support [async load JSON MultiLang file avoid loading all multiLangs]

  • Basic example: FPS Player controller [bullet , collision]

  • recommended*** -> New networking driver based on OV/Kurento.

    ⚠️From 23 oct 2024 -> frontend old net code will be removed. server part is still present.

⚠️(only if you wanna use RTCMulti) In folder ./backend we have package.json to import deps (npm i) for server part. Run in folder ./backend cmd: npm i and npm run magic for host and broadcaster.

  • [⚠️ Old ]Networking based on webRtc multiRTC3 library. Signaling server, video chat or stream to texture.

    If you wanna use new net just run your own openvidu server on your VPS [i use 2.20.0 version].

Frontend -> Three.js, Ammo.js

Backend -> OV/Kurento OR MultiRTC3

Main gameplay template FPShoter: ☣Hang3d Reborn☣

import Application from './Application.js';
import config from './config.js';
import myGamePlayMagicMap from './public/assets/maps/free-for-all.js';

let App = new Application(config, myGamePlayMagicMap);

Client Config (☣All important stuff controlled form config)

const config = {
  cache: false,
  stats: false,
  camera: {
    fov: 60,
    near: 0.2,
    far: 2000,
    order: 'YXZ'
  map: {
    autoplayBgMusic: true,
    sky: {
      enabled: true,
      uniforms: {
        turbidity: 0.5,
        rayleigh: 3,
        mieCoefficient: .05,
        mieDirectionalG: .01,
    background: 0xffffff,
    floorWidth: 200,
    floorHeight: 200,
    gravityConstant: 17.5,
    directionLight: {
      color: 0x3f3f3f,
      intensity: 50,
      LRTB: 14,
      shadow: {
        camera: {
          near: 2,
          far: 50
        mapSize: {
          x: 1024,
          y: 1024
    ambientLight: {
      color: "rgb(250,250,250)"
    meshShadows: {
      castShadow: false,
      receiveShadow: true,
      computeVertexNormals: true
    blockingVolumes: {
      visible: false
    collision: {
      detectCollision: true
    nightAndDay: {
      enabled : true,
      animSun: 1000,
      nightFallsAt: 19,
      dawnAt: 6
  playerController: {
    type: 'FPS', // FPS | orbit
    movementType: 'velocity', // velocity | kinematic
    cameraInitPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 72},
    alwaysRun: false,
    mobile: {
      hudControls: true
    movementSpeed: {
      forward: 20, backward: 10,
      left: 9, right: 9,
      jump: 11, jumpLimitInterval: 2000
    physicsBody: {
      typeOfPlayerCapsule: 'cube', // ball
      visible: false,
      radius: 2, cubeCapsuleScale: [2.5, 2.5, 2.5],
      mass: 10
    bullet: {
      mass: 20,
      radius: 0.07,
      power: 200,
      bulletLiveTime: 1000
    playerData: {
      energy: 1000
    playerItems: {
      munition: 200
		onEvent : {
			onDie: "justHideNetPlayer" // "justHideNetPlayer" | "reload"
  useRCSAccount: true,
  networking: {
    broadcasterPort: 9001, // use dev stage 
    broadcasterInit: false,
    // domain: "",
    domain: "localhost",
    networkDeepLogs: true,
     * masterServerKey is channel access id used to connect
     * endpoint p2p. Multimedia server channel/multiRTC3 used.
    masterServerKey: "",
    runBroadcasterOnInt: false,
    broadcastAutoConnect: false,
     * If you dont wanna initially camera call
     * you need to set audio AND video to `false`
     * Data works by default.
    broadcasterSessionDefaults: {
      sessionAudio: true,
      sessionVideo: true,
      sessionData: true,
      enableFileSharing: true,
    stunList: [
    getBroadcastSockRoute() {
      return getProtocolFromAddressBar() + getDomain() + ":" + this.broadcasterPort + "/";
  networking2: {
    masterChannel: "magic",
    runKureOnInt: true,
    publishAudio: true, // Whether you want to start publishing with your audio unmuted or not
    publishVideo: true, // Whether you want to start publishing with your video enabled or not

Blocking Volumes implemented for map - map.objMtlsArray : Nice for walls and env staff. Forced simple cube physics body with mass = 0.


Frontend done in script type "module" ant it's so powerfull. No build time lost.

List of top level CustomEvents:

  • "" - if == "true" (URL param ?dev=true)
  • "onMyDamage"
  • "onDie"
  • "onFire"
  • "hide-blocker"
  • "multi-lang-ready"
  • "addToOnlyIntersects"
  • "destroyObject" dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('destroyObject', {detail: e.connection.connectionId}))

List of networking events:

Backend part based on OV/Kurento. recommendation

i use OV 2.20.0 client part. I borrowed a service with an address Interface send(arg) function is the same like other variant of networking.

Because on mobile devices it is not recommended video chat streming on load also in game play for now. New config flag:

    mobilePublishVideo: false,
    mobilePublishAudio: false


Check for user internet speed with navigator.connection.downlink For low net disable streaming.

Dev stage 🌐

Easy running also on VPS:


  • Dynamic Cache/Worker, add to home screen. [pwa]✅
  • Graphics/Physics scene ready.✅
  • Add 3d object loaders [fbx, collada].✅
  • Script compression bash script.✅
  • Basic FPS controller✅
  • Adding map pack principle.✅
  • Net Players.✅
  • Tested on android12 devices.📱✅
  • Real Day time - sky(shaders) done + wip envelop shaders adaptaion lights.⏳
  • Add account options REST API [rocketCraftingServer]. singin , leaderboard. Only client part no need backend i already have running rcs on ⏳
  • Net Shared objects +.⏳
  • Neutral enemy [bots] +.⏳

Map [] ⏳

Working example:

let map = {
  breakable: [
      name: "myBreakAbleBox1",
      mass: 100,
      scale: {x: 2, y: 5, z: 2},
      pos: {x: 3, y: 1, z: 1},
      quat: [0, 0, 0, 1],
      matFlag: 'Black' // new
  boxs: [
      name: "myMidBox1",
      net: true,
      mass: 10,
      scale: {x: 5, y: 5, z: 5},
      pos: {x: 0, y: 1, z: 20},
      quat: [0, 0, 0, 1],
      matFlag: 'Bronze'
  tubes: [
      name: "myTube1",
      mass: 1000,
      scale: [5, 5, 20, 32],
      pos: {x: -20, y: 1, z: -80},
      quat: [0, 0, 0, 1]
      name: "myTube2",
      mass: 1000,
      scale: [5, 5, 20, 32],
      pos: {x: 20, y: 1, z: -80},
      quat: [0, 0, 0, 1]
  torus: [
      name: "myTorus1",
      mass: 1000,
      scale: [10, 3, 16, 100],
      pos: {x: 30, y: 1, z: 1},
      quat: [0, 0, 0, 1]
  pointLights: [
      name: 'l1',
      color: 0xff0040,
      radius: 2,
      intensity: 150,
      pos: {x: 30, y: 12, z: 10},
      helper: true
      name: 'l2',
      color: 0xeeee40,
      radius: 2,
      intensity: 510,
      pos: {x: -30, y: 12, z: 10},
      helper: true
  objMtls: [
      path: 'assets/objects/env/wall1.obj',
      name: 'myWall_1',
      pos: {x:-100, y:-0.5, z:-42}
  objMtlsArray: [
      path: 'assets/objects/env/wall1.obj',
      name: 'myWall',
      instances: [
        {pos: {x: -100, y: -0.5, z: -62}},
          pos: {x: 52.8, y: -0.5, z: 86.5},
          rot: {x: 0, y: 90, z: 0}

export default map;

More info about PWA ⏳

I have performance stable at ~90% value. I load extra fbx animation 22Mb to test little more better. Image formats like WebP and AVIF often provide better compression than PNG or JPEG, which means faster downloads and less data consumption. I use freeware GIMP he had a webp format support for exports.

Lighthouse screenshot:

No need for PWA at dev/localhost work. In final time you can use .prod.js compressed files to make full optimised app with better preformance.

MultiLang [strings]

Only on startup for now:

    addEventListener('multi-lang', () => {
      // You can setup inline or you can use data-label="KEY"
      byId('header.title').innerHTML = t('title');
      byId('player.munition.label').innerHTML = t('munition');

Networking [WEBRTC/OV] 💫

  • If you wanna use all yours code (also server part) than use old net with broadcaster [multiRTC3] From 18 oct 2024 no support for old net.

New networking based on kurento/openvidu server. Force streaming on mobile with URL Params ?video=true&audio=true:
  • Not sending data if player is in sleep mode

You need to start your own openvidu server.

Explanation of FPS concept

  • Local Player have no any visual objs, only main three.js camera follow player position and look direction.
  • Net Player [remote player] have visualization with FBX animation. Net rotated only for Y axis for now.
  • Local Player have physics body ball who is moved from physics world on that way we got all collision problem fixed.
  • Net Player have no physics body also no any collision objs i use raycaster from three.js in net player case On that way i got optimised and precise situation with netplayer handling.
  • Video and audio (streaming) are disabled on mobile devices by default.

Credits && Licence


Most effect dimanic thermes with native css and control from javascript

Using css vars from vars.css.


import {setCssVar} from "./utility.js"
export class MagicTheme {
	Light() {
		console.log('THEME LIGHT SET')
		setCssVar("--bg", "#6b6b6b33")
		setCssVar("--text", "hsl(1, 20%, 100%)")
		setCssVar("--text2", "rgb(0, 0, 0)")
		setCssVar("--err", "orangered")
		setCssVar("--bgBlocker", "rgba(150, 150, 150, 0.9)")
		setCssVar("--bgTransparent1", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)")
		setCssVar("--LG1", "linear-gradient(87deg,#ff6f00,#b5830f,#df494b,#fff,#fff,#e90b0f)")
		setCssVar("--mainFont", "Accuratist")
	Dark() {
		setCssVar("--bg", "#0d2d4e")
		setCssVar("--text", "hsl(0, 0%, 100%)")
		setCssVar("--text2", "rgb(255, 253, 192)")
		setCssVar("--err", "red")
		setCssVar("--bgBlocker", "rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.9)")
		setCssVar("--bgTransparent1", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)")
		setCssVar("--LG1", "linear-gradient(87deg,#00b3ff,#510fb5,#49cbdf,#000000,#000000,#1d0be9)")
		setCssVar("--mainFont", "stormfaze")
	Green() {
		setCssVar("--bg", "#000")
		setCssVar("--text", "hsl(107.39deg 82.83% 47.02%)")
		setCssVar("--text2", "rgb(42 199 49)")
		setCssVar("--err", "red")
		setCssVar("--bgBlocker", "rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.9)")
		setCssVar("--bgTransparent1", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)")
		setCssVar("--LG1", "linear-gradient(87deg,#10f30f,#fff,#10f30f,#000000,#10f30f,#000000)")
		setCssVar("--mainFont", "WARGAMES")
	constructor() {
		addEventListener("theme", (e) => {

Implementing account for GamePlay platform based on RocketCraftingServer

Login example:

	async login() {
		let route = this.apiDomain || location.origin;
		byId('loginRCSBtn').disabled = true;
		byId('registerBtn').disabled = true;
		let args = {
			emailField: (byId('arg-email') != null ? byId('arg-email').value : null),
			passwordField: (byId('arg-pass') != null ? byId('arg-pass').value : null)
		fetch(route + '/rocket/#', {
			method: 'POST',
			headers: jsonHeaders,
			body: JSON.stringify(args)
		}).then((d) => {
			return d.json();
		}).then((r) => {
			if(r.message == "User logged") { = byId('arg-email').value;
				byId('myAccountLoginForm').style.display = 'none';
				sessionStorage.setItem('RocketAcount', JSON.stringify(r.flag))
		}).catch((err) => {
			console.log('[My Account Error]', err)"Next Login call try in 5 secounds...")
			setTimeout(() => {
				this.preventDBLOG = false;
				this.preventDBREG = false;
				byId('registerBtn').disabled = false;
				byId('loginRCSBtn').disabled = false;
			}, 5000)
  • RCS Fetch example
 fetch("", {
                  "headers": {
                    "accept": "application/json",
                    "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9,ru;q=0.8",
                    "cache-control": "no-cache",
                    "content-type": "application/json",
                    "pragma": "no-cache"
                  "referrer": "",
                  "referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin",
                  "body": "{\"emailField\":\"\",\"passwordField\":\"123123123\"}",
                  "method": "POST",
                  "mode": "cors",
                  "credentials": "omit"

Problem with > 100Mb file size upload on github use this link for fbx animations

(prepared in blender) you can open it in any 3d editor:

Update deps

  • npm outdated 2024

At separated branch you can find [old-arhive]:

  • old [threejs version 75 , 68 etc...] Lot of crazzy staff but you need to make it running... [deplaced methodology] ☣

Magic-three-cannonjs old but still good! [threejs version 75]

  • Very simple top level code! [Still developing at this base]


Using power of Three.js and Ammo.js .Class oriented , script type module. No build no extra time spend needed. Networking with webRTC/Node.js signaling server. First person shooter Multiplayer solution








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