npm install -g artillery
npm install -g artillery-engine-graphql-ws
# simple-socketio-load-test.yaml
target: 'ws://localhost:4001/graphql'
- duration: 20 # Test for 60 seconds
arrivalRate: 10 # Every second, add 10 users
rampTo: 10 # And ramp it up to 100 users in total over the 60s period
name: 'Ramping up the load'
- duration: 30 # Then resume the load test for 120s
arrivalRate: 10 # With those 100 users we ramped up to in the first phase
rampTo: 10 # And keep it steady at 100 users
name: 'Pushing a constant load'
'graphql-ws': {}
- name: 'load testing subscription'
engine: graphql-ws
- send:
'id': '1',
'type': 'start',
{ 'input': { 'symbol': 'example', 'timeFrame': 'example' } },
'extensions': {},
'operationName': 'getRealExample',
'query': "subscription getRealExample($input: getRealExampleInput!) {\n getRealExample(input: $input) {\n Close\n close\n data\n name\n __typename\n }\n}\n",
- think: 15 # Every connection will remain open for 15s
- send: { 'id': '1', 'type': 'end' }