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Build Notepad4

zufuliu edited this page Oct 26, 2024 · 5 revisions

Build Notepad4 and matepath

Visual Studio 2017, 2019 and 2022

Open build/VS2017/Notepad4.sln, select appreciate project, configuration and platform to build. The build output directory is build/bin/${Configuration}/${Platform}.

Please install "Windows XP support for C++" or change Platform Toolset in Project Property Pages to other non-XP one if you want to build Win32 program.

Visual C++ Command Line Build (MSBuild)

For Visual Studio 2017, 2019 or 2022, VS_PATH environment variable may need manually set to the installation path (e.g.: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community).

Batch File Usage
build_x64.bat build x64 release
build_win32.bat build Win32 release
build_arm.bat build ARM32 release
build_arm64.bat build ARM64 release
build_avx2.bat build x64 release with AVX2 instructions
build.bat build.bat [Action] [Platform] [Configuration]
- -
Action Help, Build (the default), Clean, Rebuild
Platform all (the default), x86, Win32, x64, AVX2, ARM64, ARM,
NoARM (all except 32-bit ARM),
No32bit (x64, AVX2 and ARM64)
Configuration all (Release and Debug), Release (the default), Debug, LLVMDebug, LLVMRelease

Visual Studio and LLVM clang-cl

Install LLVM (7.0.0 and later) from or and install LLVM for Visual Studio from Then select LLVMDebug, LLVMRelease, AVX2LLVMDebug or AVX2LLVMRelease build configuration to build. The build output directory is build/bin/LLVM$(Configuration)/$(Platform).

If you already installed "LLVM Compiler Toolchain" from Visual Studio Marketplace, you can change "Platform Toolset" to LLVM to use this extension.

If you already installed "C++ Clang-cl for v14* build tools (x64/x86)" (Visual Studio 2019 v142 or 2022 v143), you can change "Platform Toolset" to LLVM (clang-cl) to use it. See the document at

Visual Studio and Intel C++ Compiler

Right-click "Solution 'Notepad4'" in Solution Explorer or click Visual Studio's Project menu, then click Intel Compiler -> Use Intel C++.

GCC and Clang

Suggest using latest mingw-w64 GCC (7.1.0 or later) x86_64-posix-seh for x64 build and i686-posix-dwarf for Win32 build. They can be installed inside MSYS2 using pacman:

pacman -Syuu
# x64, AVX2 build
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-make mingw-w64-x86_64-tools-git
# x64, AVX2 build with Clang
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-clang mingw-w64-x86_64-lld

# Win32 build
pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-gcc mingw-w64-i686-make mingw-w64-i686-tools-git
# Win32 build with Clang
pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-clang mingw-w64-i686-lld

You can also use other ready for use standalone GCC/Clang packages, such as,,,, etc.

llvm-mingw is required to build for ARM64 and ARM. Old mingw-w64 GCC (before v6.0.0, released on 2018-09-17) will cause SIGSEGV when you try to enable bidirectional (see issue #16).

Following table are options (all are optional) for Makefile (in build\mingw\ folder). The build output directory is build\bin\Debug_<ARCH>, build\bin\Release_<ARCH> (or build\bin\ClangDebug_<ARCH>, build\bin\ClangRelease_<ARCH> when Clang is used).

Option Description
DEBUG Debug build, default is release build
TRIPLET Cross compiling target triplet (x86_64-w64-mingw32, i686-w64-mingw32, aarch64-w64-mingw32, armv7-w64-mingw32, etc.)
ARCH Cross compiling target architecture (x64, AVX2, Win32, ARM64 and ARM), default auto detection
CLANG Use clang and clang++ instead of gcc and g++
LLD Use lld as the linker
LTO Enable LTO for release build
WIN7 Set x64 or Win32 build to target Windows 7 instead of Windows XP


Download and install CodeLite from Add GCC (and/or Clang) to build settings (Menu -> Settings -> Build Settings).

Open build/CodeLite/Notepad4.workspace, in Workspace panel, select appreciate project and configuration to build. The build output directory is build/bin/$(Configuration)_$(Platform) or build/CodeLite/build_$(Configuration)_$(Platform)/bin, depends on CodeLite version. You can change project settings by right-click project folder in Workspace panel, then click "Settings...". More document for CodeLite can be found at

Note: C++ language standard is not specified in C++ Compiler Options, if you GCC's default C++ standard is not gnu++17 or later, please add language standard (such as -std=gnu++17 for C++) to compiler options in Project Settings.

Other Systems

Currently compiler supporting for C++17 is required.

SSE2 and AVX2

Some functions (encoding validating, line endings detection, etc.) in Notepad4 are optimized for SSE2 and AVX2, they can be enabled by editing scintilla\include\VectorISA.h, and set NP2_USE_SSE2 or NP2_USE_AVX2 to 1.

The AVX2 build works for Windows 7 SP1 (or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1) and above (64-bit only), requires target CPU additional support for POPCNT (included in SSE4.2), e.g. CPU sold since 2013, such as Intel Core i3, i5, i7, i9 or AMD Excavator, Zen, and more.

Clang and GCC need using -mavx2 -mpopcnt (see compiler options to enable full AVX2 build. -mbmi can also be used to get TZCNT instead of _BitScanForward().

MSVC need to enable /arch:AVX2 (in project Property Pages, C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Enable Enhanced Instruction Set) when build for AVX2.

Old CPU without SSE2

SSE2 is introduced since Pentium 4 in 2000, SSE is introduced since Pentium III in 1999. If you need to use Notepad4 and matepath on system with old CPUs that do not support them, you need to build Notepad4 and matepath manually by set NP2_USE_SSE2 to 0 and change project files before build.

Visual Studio Solution

Open project Property Pages for Release configuration for Win32 platform, click "C/C++", then "Code Generation", Change "Enable Enhanced Instruction Set" to "Not Set" or "Streaming SIMD Extensions (/arch:SSE)".

Or you can open Notepad4.vcxproj and matepath.vcxproj using some text editor, remove the line <EnableEnhancedInstructionSet>StreamingSIMDExtensions2</EnableEnhancedInstructionSet> directly from the project file.

CodeLite Workspace

Open the Project Settings dialog for Notepad4 and matepath, Select "Release_Win32", click "Compiler", In "C++ Compiler Options" and "C Compiler Options" fields, remove -msse2;-mfpmath=sse;.

Or you can open Notepad4.project and matepath.project using some text editor, remove -msse2;-mfpmath=sse; directly from the project file.

Windows 2000

Code before Cleanup LoadLibrary() and GetModuleHandle() for Windows 2000 support build for Window 2000 (may require some tweaks). Legacy code for Windows 2000 is completely removed by commit 626becd.

Tweak current code for Windows 2000 need more work and test, though used Windows XP and above only function is very small.

Other broken changes for Windows 2000: