An unofficial Rust SDK for Optimizely Feature Experimentation.
This SDK is not supported by Optimizely!
This SDK only includes a small subset of features compared to supported SDKs. Use at own risk!
use optimizely::{event_api::BatchedEventDispatcher, Client};
// Initialize Optimizely client using local datafile
let file_path = "../datafiles/sandbox.json";
let optimizely_client = Client::from_local_datafile(file_path)?
// Create user context for current user
let user_id = "123abc789xyz";
let user_context = optimizely_client.create_user_context(user_id);
// Get decision for the Buy Button feature flag
let feature_flag = "buy_button";
let decision = user_context.decide(feature_flag);
// Return Ok for doc-tests
Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
A list of the features that are currently included:
- Initialize client from local datafile
- Initialize client from SDK key
- Periodically poll latest datafile
- Event dispatcher (synchronous)
- Event dispatcher (batched)
- Logger
- Notification listeners
- Decide option (DisableDecisionEvent)
- Decide options (others)
- Creating an user context
- Decide method consistent with other SDKs
- Evaluating audience conditions
- Variation variables
- Forced decision methods
- Mutual exclusion groups