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git clone https://github.com/zxcvbinz/42-utils.git && cd 42-utils && chmod 755 ./install.sh && ./install.sh && cd ..
And select the program...
Install this program in the [ft_server] / [dockerfile] folder
# Utils
./docker_helper.sh build # build the dockerfile
./docker_helper.sh start [name] # start the image with custom name
./docker_helper.sh start # start the image with pre-name
./docker_helper.sh -e start [name] # start already exist container
./docker_helper.sh delete # delete all docker images
./docker_helper.sh -e stop [name] # stop already exist container
# Delete
./docker_helper.sh push-delete OK # delete all bot files
Install on Desktop :)
Install on terminal and use new command!
- 42delete #example 42delete .DS_Store delete all DS_Store files from the folder
- 42author #on the next update with the command 42author update, update the program
- 42search #example 42search .DS_Store search all DS_Store files in the folder
- 42doctor [brew] #patch brew update error with brew parameter
- 42setbrew [init-cask] #set brew dowload and install brew on computer, with init-cask set cask-application variable on .Applications folder
- 42download ["https://file.it/file.pdf"] #download file with curl -O command
Install Valgrind on macOS terminal! [Cooming Soon]
Cooming soon....
Tool to help you with git problem!! [Cooming Soon]
Cooming soon....