zcrontab is a crontab、at task processor based on golang:
based on time.ticker,no need of crond service
support task deletion and callback
- the crontab task support all crontab symbol including *,-,/,,
- the at task can be repeated at the same time(every day)
glide get github.com/zzerroo/zcrontab
import (
func test(args interface{}) {
func main() {
zCrontab := zcrontab.NewZCrontab()
zCrontab.Crontab("* * * * *", test, "*")
zCrontab.Crontab("*/2 * * * *", test, "every 2 minute")
zCrontab.Crontab("* 15 * * *", test, "every minute 3")
zCrontab.Crontab("*/2 15,16 * * *", test, "every 2 minute 3,4")
zCrontab.Crontab("*/2 15-16 * * *", test, "every 2 minute 3-4")
zCrontab.Crontab("* 15-16/2 * * *", test, "every minute 3-4/3")
zCrontab.At(time.Now().Add(1*time.Minute), test, "this is test for at repeat", true)
zCrontab.At(time.Now().Add(1*time.Minute), test, "this is test for at", false)
select {}