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pamolloy edited this page May 6, 2012 · 2 revisions

Display message and timeout after 10 seconds:

(echo "This is a message"; sleep 10) | dzen2 -bg darkred -fg grey80 -fn fixed

Display message and never timeout:

echo "This is a message"| dzen2 -p

Display updating single line message:

for i in $(seq 1 20); do A=${A}'='; echo $A; sleep 1; done | dzen2

Display header and a message with multiple lines:

(echo Header; cal; sleep 20) | dzen2 -l 8

Displays "Header" in the title window and the output of cal in the 8 lines high slave window.

Display updating messages:

(echo Header; while true; do echo test$((i++)); sleep 1; done) | dzen2 -l 12

The slave window will update contents if new input has arrived.

Display log files:

(su -c "echo LOGFILENAME; tail -f /var/log/messages") | dzen2 -l 20 -x 100 -y 300 -w 500

Monthly schedule with remind:

(echo Monthly Schedule; remind -c1 -m) | dzen2 -l 52 -w 410 -p \
-fn lime -bg '#e0e8ea' -fg black -x 635

Simple menu:

echo "Applications" | dzen2 -l 4 -p -m < menufile

Horizontal menu without any files:

{echo Menu; echo -e "xterm\nxclock\nxeyes\nxfontsel"} | dzen2 -l 4 -m h -p

Extract PIDs from the process table:

{echo Procs; ps -a} | dzen2 -m -l 12 -p -e 'button1=menuprint;button3=exit;button4=scrollup:3;button5=scrolldown:3;entertitle=uncollapse;leaveslave=collapse' | awk '{print $1}'

Dzen as xmonad (see statusbar: | dzen2 -ta r -fn '-*-profont-*-*-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859' \
-bg '#aecf96' -fg black -p -e 'sigusr1=raise;sigusr2=lower;onquit=exec:rm \
/tmp/dzen2-pid;button3=exit' & echo $! > /tmp/dzen2-pid
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