Microservices starter kit for Golang, aims to be developer friendly.
An open source framework for building and deploying distributed applications. This template monorepo style project allows you to write your application as a modular monolith and deploy it as a set of microservices.
- Monorepo - Sharing Code Between Microservices
- gRPC microservices
- Versatile ingress gateway based on Envoy with Config Manager esp-v2
- Proxy-less Service Discovery and xDS based gRPC Load Balancer with Traffic Director
- Input Validation with protoc-gen-validate (PGV)
- Add/replace struct tags on generated protobuf messages protoc-gen-gotag (PGGT)
- Config - Pluggable Sources, Mergeable Config, Environment Overlays
- Customizable Logging
- Flexible errors lib: PII-free, gRPC middleware, opt-in Sentry.io reporting
- Graph-Based ORM ent
- CRUD API with ent
- Dependency injection Container, Try wire next?
- Adaptive System Protection / Adaptive concurrency limits with Alibaba's Sentinel, Netflix's concurrency-limits, go-concurrency-limits
- multi-stage-multi-target Dockerfile
- Reproducible builds and Verifiable Builds with GoReleaser
- One Step build/publish/deploy with ko
- BuildInfo with govvv
- Switch to Bazel Build
- Linting with GolangCI linters aggregator
- Linting Protos with Buf
- Linting rest with super-linter
- CICD Pipelines with GitHub Actions
- Kubernetes Matrix Deployment with Kustomize
- Add k8s healthchecks with cmux
- Feature Flags & Feature Gating (enable/disable with zero cost)
- Observability via OpenTelemetry
- Service Mesh with Istio
- GraphQL Gateway with gqlgen, rejoiner,gqlgen
- Graceful / zero downtime upgrades tableflip
- Cache β Ephemeral key-value storage with TTLs
- Secondary Index β Ephemeral Index with Redis Search
- Crypto β App-level data encryption/decryption with Key Management
- Auth β API Authentication with OpenID Connect, JWT, WebAuthN/Passwordless Login
- Zero Trust or BeyondProd style e2e Security
- mTLS
- supply-chain GoReleaser + Go Mod proxying + Cosign keyless signing + Syft SBOM generation example.
- Multi-arch container image
- gkit
- Continuous Profiling for Go Applications with Pyroscope
Refer prerequisites docs
Also Refer scaffolding docs
clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/xmlking/grpc-starter-kit ~/Developer/Work/go/grpc-starter-kit
# pull dependencies (when every time `go.mod` changed)
go mod download
By default, this project use embedded sqlite3
database. if you want to use postgreSQL,
- start postgres via
command provided below - uncomment
import statement and commentsqlite
- start micro server with
export export CONFY_FILES=/config/config.yml,/config/config.pg.yml
i.e.,CONFY_FILES=/config/config.yml,/config/config.pg.yml go run service/account/main.go
# to start postgres in foreground
docker-compose up postgres
# to stop postgres
docker-compose down
# if needed, remove `postgres_data` volume to recreate database next time, when you start.
docker system prune --volumes
--server_address=localhost:5501x --broker_address=localhost:5502x
required only when you are behind VPN a.k.aWork From Home
# dev mode
make run-recorder
make run-emailer
make run-greeter
make run-account
# experiments
make run-cedemo
make run-play
make run-xds
optionally specify any Confy environment variable
export CONFY_ENV=production
export CONFY_FILES=/config/config.yml
# (or) export CONFY_FILES=/config/config.yml,/config/config.pg.yml
export CONFY_DEBUG_MODE=true
export CONFY_ENV=production
make run-account
Refer testing docs
Refer makefile docs
Refer docker docs
Refer releasing docs
make docker DOCKER_REGISTRY=ghcr.io DOCKER_CONTEXT_PATH=xmlking/grpc-starter-kit
docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
# make kustomize OVERLAY=e2e NS=default VERSION=v0.1.0-440-g6c7fb7a
make kustomize
kubectl apply -f build/kubernetes.yaml
POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -lapp.kubernetes.io/name=account-srv -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
kubectl logs -f -c srv $POD_NAME
kubectl delete -f build/kubernetes.yaml
- prerequisites
- scaffolding
- makefile
- testing
- docker
- gitops
- Protobuf Style Guide
- Google Protobuf Style Guide
- Spine Protobuf Style Guide
- Go Repo Layout
- examples - example usage code for micro
- microhq - a place for prebuilt microservices
- explorer - which aggregates micro based open source projects
- micro-plugins extensible micro plugins
- step-by-step-guide-micro
- micro-in-cn
- Platform Web
- grpc template
- Simple API backed by PostgresQL, Golang and gRPC
- securing gRPC connections with TLS via certify
- Google Service Weaver: A Framework for Writing Distributed Applications