Contains the CUDA accelerated code of the Recursive Schur LQR algorithm. The original C implementation can be found here
Python implementation of the code can be found here
Solves for x in Ax = b, using the Recursive Schur Linear Quadratic Regulator explained in the paper A Parallell Linear System Solver for Optimal Control by Brian E.Jackson. It requires A to be a positive semi-definite matrix to guarantee a good result.
This method is part of the GATO solver (GPU Accelerated Trajectory Optimization) algorithms and model predictive control (MPC). Learn more about GATO here.
- NVIDIA GPU with Compute Capability 8.6 or higher (e.g., NVIDIA Ampere-based GPUs like A100, RTX 30 series).
CUDA Toolkit:
- Version 11.4 or higher.
- Includes
compiler and runtime libraries. - Download: CUDA Toolkit.
C++ Compiler:
- g++ 9.4 (for Linux) or a compatible version.
Build Tools:
utility is required to build the project.
This solver uses our GPU Linear Algebra Simple Subrotoutines (GLASS) library as a submodule, as it has proved to be faster for smaller problems than the traditional cuBLASS library.
Clone the repository and initialize the submodule, then run make command in the src folder.
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd src
After running the make command you should have the ./rsLQR executable in the src folder. Run it to see the example of the solver provided by Brian Jackson.
You can run your example by putting the 'csv' file of the LQR problem in \exmpls folder and changing the name of the example in line 53 :
read_csv("../exmpls/lqr_prob8.csv", knot_points, state_size, control_size, Q_R, q_r, A_B, d);
It is highly recommended to read the paper A Parallell Linear System Solver for Optimal Control by Brian E. Jackson prior to using this code.
Additional documentation and graphical explanation has been provided by Yana Botvinnik here.