Python proof of concept for BCHOL: A Parallel linear system solver for optimal control.
Solves for x in Ax = b, using the Recursive Schur Linear Quadratic Regulator explained in the paper A Parallell Linear System Solver for Optimal Control by Brian E.Jackson. It requires A to be a positive semi-definite matrix to guarantee a good result.
This method is part of the Python implementation of trajectory optimization (trajopt) algorithms and model predictive control (MPC). Learn more about different TrajoptMPC here.
- Python 3.10+
- Libraries:
- Numpy
- SciPy
- The following libraries (Numpy, Scipy) are included in the requirments.txt and can be downloaded with the following command
git clone
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If you already have a defined LQR problem in a KKT form in a saved file .json/.csv you can look at
for an example of how to load the problem. The program will return the solution in two forms:
- Flattened dxul vector
- Brian Jackson's format as mentioned in the paper [lambda_i ; x_i; u_i]
If you just have an A matrix and a b vector look at
for an example of usage. Alternatively, you can use this package as part of our bigger solverhere.
Author: Yana Botvinnik Contact: